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空間能力是學生的重要的基本能力之一,透過空間幾何的學習是培養空間能力的有效途徑。然而,由於缺乏有效的學習工具,學生的學習成效並不佳。本研究發展一套輔助學生學習三視圖概念之擴增實境工具,幫助學生想像視圖及建構立體圖形,以幫助學生培養空間能力;並進一步評估該擴增實境工具對學生學習成效與態度的影響。本研究採準實驗設計來評估此工具的效益,實驗對象為北部某國中兩班七年級生55人,皆為常態編班。一班28人為實驗組,使用擴增實境工具與實體積木;另一班27人為控制組,使用實體積木。兩組學生除了使用的學習工具不同之外,在學習內容、授課教師及教學流程均相同,於學習活動結束後,收集學生的成就測驗、態度問卷及個人訪談等量化與質性資料,據以分析整理實驗結果。 研究結果發現:(1)實驗組與控制組學生之學習成就並未達到顯著差異;(2)兩組學生在工具有用性及易用性整體滿意度皆高,而工具易用性部分控制組顯著優於實驗組;(3)兩組學生在學習滿意度方面並無顯著差異。推測學習成就未顯著的原因可能為本研究工具適用於更複雜的立體圖形之學習,此外,系統穩定度不足或學生不熟悉平板操作亦可能影響使用之成效;而兩組學生學習動機未達顯著的原因可能為學習活動時長不足所致。未來研究建議需進一步改善擴增實境工具,將掃描積木圖卡的功能改用更有效的辨識方式,以提升系統易用性並減少學生的認知負荷。
Spatial ability is one of the essential skills for every individual. Previous research has indicated that learning spatial geometry is an effective way to cultivate students' spatial ability. However, students usually did not learn the skill well due to lack of effective instructional tools. Augmented reality (AR) with the ability to integrate virtual information onto real-world, is considered an effective tool to help students develop their spatial abilities. In this study, we developed an AR tool to assist students in learning three-dimensional-views concepts in spatial geometry. This AR application aimed to help students imagine the three-dimensional-views of an object and vice versa, mentally constructed the object from its three-dimensional-views. A quasi-experimental research design was conducted in a middle school to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool. Twenty-eight seventh-grade students were assigned to the experimental group, using the AR application with wooden blocks for building objects, while 27 seventh-grade students served as the control group used wooden blocks only. Data from the final achievement test, attitude questionnaire, and group interviews were collected for further analysis. Our findings showed that there were no significant differences between the two groups in students’ learning achievements and motivations. In addition, both groups of students had positive attitudes on the usefulness and ease of use of their learning tools, however, the control group showed more ease of use than the experimental group. We suggested further research should revise the AR application to improve its usability in scanning objects and reduce students' cognitive load while using the tool in learning.



擴增實境, 空間幾何, 三視圖, Augmented reality, Spatial geometry, Three-dimensional views





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