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隨著生活水準,環境衛生和醫療技術的進步,全球絕大部分國家都面臨人口老化的問題,因此隨著高齡化衍生的問題也成為全國最大的問題,台灣由於少子化嚴重,因此高齡化問題相較於歐美日已開發國家就更嚴重,老年人口日益增加,在宅安老與機構安老成為話題,在中國人根深蒂固的孝道思想,多數老人都選擇在宅安老,但又因照顧老人生活起居壓力大或經濟壓力造成照顧家庭不和睦等等,使得老人獨居數也增加,台灣的老屋數隨著老人年齡的增加而增加,獨居生活孤單,老屋又危險,老人何去何從?藉由「社區型樂齡宅的成功關鍵因素」的研究可以進一步為老人規劃設計一個共生、共享、共學、共樂、共食、共好與共融的社區,用以延長他們退休後的身心健康時期,延後失能階段,本研究訪談北部兩個機構及中部兩個機構的經營管理者。並且使用平衡計分卡(Balance Scorecard, BSC)的評估方法,藉由創建前的初衷、未來與展望、在營運過程中的財務面、顧客面、內部制度及員工訓練四個面向的問題來分析其成功關鍵因素而進一步了解到社區的優質的生活機能,完善專業的照顧團隊,多元化的課程和活動,安全的設備及醫療院所的配合,乃為其社區型樂齡宅的成功關鍵因素。
As living standards, environmental health and medical technology advanced. The problem of aging population confronts the nations around the world. Therefore, the problems derived from aging have become the biggest problem in the country. Taiwan has a serious declining birth rate, so the aging problem compared with the developed countries in Europe, United States and Japan, it is more serious. The elderly population is increasing, and the elderly in homes and institutions have become topics. In the deep-rooted thought of filial piety among the Chinese, most elderly people choose to live in their homes. However, due to the pressure of taking care of the elderly in daily life or economic pressure, the old living alone, has increased. The old houses in Taiwan has also increased. Living alone is lonely, and the old house is dangerous. Where can the elderly go? The research on “The key success factors of community-based senior housing” can further to plan and design, with codependent, sharing, jointly entertaining, communally dining, mutually benefiting, and all inclusive, which will help prolong a healthy post-retirement period and delay the arrival of senior disability. This study interviewed the operators and managers from four institutions, two from Taipei area, another two from Taichung area. By using Balance Scorecard(BSC)to analyze the four perspectives of financial perspective, customer perspective, internal perspective and innovation and learning perspective. In addition, the founders’ original motivation plus the future prospect of the establishment. We concludes that, the living function of the location, the caring and patience of the professional care team, the diversities of the learning courses and activities, the safety facilities and its affiliation of surrounding medical institutions, are the primary elements in the success of community-based senior housing.



人口老化, 社區型樂齡宅, 在宅安養, 成功關鍵, 平衡計分卡, population aging, community based senior housing, the key success factors, aging-in-place for the elderly, Balance Scorecard(BSC)





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