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本研究主要目的在於結合適應律於領導者-跟隨者型編隊控制並應用於移動機器人之協同搬運。在設計控制器時考慮到控制器的計算能力和通信能力,於是本研究選擇無須通訊能力的分散控制 (decentralized control) 法。由於分散控制法是由每個機器人本身的控制器來控制本身機器人,所以在領導者-跟隨者型編隊控制中,跟隨者並無法直接知道領導者的完整狀態。所以本研究加入適應律估測領導者的狀態。並且通過 Lyapunov 理論及 Barbalat引理設計跟隨者的控制器與證明系統穩定性,此控制器的目的在於維持兩機器人之間的的距離與相對方位角在其初始值,進而達到協同搬運。最後經由模擬及實驗驗證此控制器的性能。
In this study, we realize mobile robot cooperative transportation by combining leader-follower type formation control and adaptive law. In the control system design, a decentralized control is adopted because huge computational power and communication capacity of controller are not required in this structure. “Leader-follower type formation method” is used for controlling the follower robot to follow the leader robot. Because we use the decentralized control, the follower robot has limited knowledge about the leader robot’s states. The unknown term containing the velocity information of the leader robot is estimated by using online adaptive tuning laws. We design a controller and prove the stability by Lyapunov theorem and Barbalat’s lemma. The purpose of this controller is to maintain the distance and the relative bearing angle between the leader robot and the follower robot at its initial value, and then achieve cooperative transportation. Effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation and experiment.



適應控制, 編隊控制, 移動機器人, 領導者-跟隨者型編隊控制, 協同搬運, adaptive control, formation control, mobile robot, leader-follower type formation control, cooperative transportation

