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本研究旨在瞭解高中教師對於學科中心推動新課程策略之意見。高級中學課程暫行綱要將於民國九十五年實施,為能有效推廣新課程,並建立教育改革的回饋機制,其中之一為在全國22 個高中成立學科中心,目的在推廣新課程、蒐集教師對於暫行綱要意見及協助辦理研習。為瞭解學科中心運作之有效策略,本研究從課程資訊、資訊傳達方式、研習課程內容、意見諮詢及意見溝通管道五個向度,加以討論。由於高中課程學科中心作為課程改革的實施機制,目的在讓教師能對新課程提出回饋,並協助他們成長,因此本研究以調查教師意見為主,目的在探索學科中心學校所應扮演的積極角色,並促使教師願意積極投入課程改革,乃課程改革成功與否的關鍵因素。本研究採用問卷調查法,透過二階段分層隨機取樣,共抽取46 所高中的920 位教師為樣本,回收校數為29 校,有效回收問卷為435,有效回收率為47.3,並透過統計分析,據以提出結論與建議。
The study investigated teachers’ opinions regarding the strategies of Educational Resource Centers ERCs0 for promoting the Senior High School New Curriculum in Taiwan. It is expected that “The Provisional Outline of the High School Curriculum” will be followed by teachers in 2006. In order to popularize this new curriculum and establish a feedback mechanism for educational reform, the Ministry of Education authorized the Center for Educational Research of National Taiwan Normal University to establish ERCs in 22 high schools around Taiwan in 2005. In addition to promoting the new curriculum, the major purpose of these ERCs is to gather and analyze relevant viewpoints on this new curriculum and to sponsor study and research programs and activities with a correlative function. Therefore, in order to enhance the ERCs effectiveness, this study set out to analyze five main areas: the importance of relevant data the methods of communicating information, the meaning of professional development and the role of refresher courses for teachers, the significance of people’s opinions of the provisional outline, and the avenues for interchanging ideas. This study used a questionnaires to randomly sample 920 teachers from 46 high schools in two stages; 435 available questionnaires were retrieved from 29 schools, meaning an effective retrieval rate of 47.3. The results of these questionnaires, what questions were asked on them underwent statistical analysis, and the researcher sets forth the conclusions as some suggestions.
The study investigated teachers’ opinions regarding the strategies of Educational Resource Centers ERCs0 for promoting the Senior High School New Curriculum in Taiwan. It is expected that “The Provisional Outline of the High School Curriculum” will be followed by teachers in 2006. In order to popularize this new curriculum and establish a feedback mechanism for educational reform, the Ministry of Education authorized the Center for Educational Research of National Taiwan Normal University to establish ERCs in 22 high schools around Taiwan in 2005. In addition to promoting the new curriculum, the major purpose of these ERCs is to gather and analyze relevant viewpoints on this new curriculum and to sponsor study and research programs and activities with a correlative function. Therefore, in order to enhance the ERCs effectiveness, this study set out to analyze five main areas: the importance of relevant data the methods of communicating information, the meaning of professional development and the role of refresher courses for teachers, the significance of people’s opinions of the provisional outline, and the avenues for interchanging ideas. This study used a questionnaires to randomly sample 920 teachers from 46 high schools in two stages; 435 available questionnaires were retrieved from 29 schools, meaning an effective retrieval rate of 47.3. The results of these questionnaires, what questions were asked on them underwent statistical analysis, and the researcher sets forth the conclusions as some suggestions.