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根據估計,到2001年,我國將成為美球行動電話服務市場用戶成長最快的地區。去年,在臺灣申請行動電話成為民眾熱衷的「全民運動」,民眾也票選行動電話相關產品為1998年最具魅力的商品,1998998年可說是臺灣的「行動電話元年」。本研究試圖由產業研究與建立產業資料的角度,分析與記錄這項在臺灣快速成長的新興電信產業。 本研究以產業組織經濟學為架構,來討論我國行動電話服務產業發展歷程、產業結構與市場特性,並透過計算其市場集中度,累積臺灣電信產業研究的基本資料,與了解行動電話服務產業發展趨勢。 研究結果顯示,臺灣大型企業集團與跨國電信集團,已積極介入國內行動電話服務產業,各業者莫不卯足全勁,積極擴展市場佔有率。這種策略結盟的趨勢,勢將引發業者間在經營策略上的合縱連橫,進而導致產業結構的變化與市場集中率的變動。本研究計算行動電話服務市場集中率結果顯示,我國行動電話元年的前四大市場集中率為0.88,表示該產業去(87)年的市場集中度相當高;另若加上和信購併東榮而合併計算其用戶數的話,目前國內行動電話市場前四大集中率已由87年底的0.88,提高到88年初的0.93,顯示市場已更趨集臺灣行動電話服務產業研究:新興電信產業結構分析與市場集中度初探中。
By estimation, Taiwan will become the most rapid growth area in the world for the cellular phone service industry, even though Taiwanese government has privatized its cellular phone service for less than 2 years since 1997. Therefore, it is appropriate time to analyze the cellular phone service market and establish the research data for the newly growing telecommunications market. My study employs the Industrial Organization Economics theory and the SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) paradigm as the research structure to analyze Taiwan’s cellular phone service market, including its historical development, market characteristics and competition, its major players, and calculates its market concentration ratio. In addition, my research desires to found its market data for further studies on Taiwan’s newly developed telecommunications industry. My research found that local business conglomerates and transnational telecommunications conglomerates are extremely interested and have intensely invested in Taiwan’s cellular phone service. Their high interests have resulted in the severe market competition and ownership concentration. In addition, the calculation of Taiwan’s cellular market’s concentration ratio (CR) has revealed the fact that Taiwan’s cellular market has become more concentrated since the government privatized its telecommunications market. No wonder, market analysts predict that strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions will become major activities for the market in the near future.
By estimation, Taiwan will become the most rapid growth area in the world for the cellular phone service industry, even though Taiwanese government has privatized its cellular phone service for less than 2 years since 1997. Therefore, it is appropriate time to analyze the cellular phone service market and establish the research data for the newly growing telecommunications market. My study employs the Industrial Organization Economics theory and the SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) paradigm as the research structure to analyze Taiwan’s cellular phone service market, including its historical development, market characteristics and competition, its major players, and calculates its market concentration ratio. In addition, my research desires to found its market data for further studies on Taiwan’s newly developed telecommunications industry. My research found that local business conglomerates and transnational telecommunications conglomerates are extremely interested and have intensely invested in Taiwan’s cellular phone service. Their high interests have resulted in the severe market competition and ownership concentration. In addition, the calculation of Taiwan’s cellular market’s concentration ratio (CR) has revealed the fact that Taiwan’s cellular market has become more concentrated since the government privatized its telecommunications market. No wonder, market analysts predict that strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions will become major activities for the market in the near future.