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我國的大法官會議,職司憲法解釋之工作,其亦兼負國家立法機關所立 之法,有無違背憲法之審查工作,特別是審查有無違背人權保障的憲法規 定,故其解釋實確立我國人權保障與國家行為之份際與範圍。大法官會議 之解釋,對於認識憲法對個人人權之保障,實為不可或缺之重要文件。然 而,我國之大法官會議之解釋,其解釋文並非如判決文,係針對具體個案 之事件為裁判,而係針對法律條文是否違背憲法條文為裁斷,故其內容非 若裁判那般具體。如何讓一般人或高中生,理解其解釋文之文義,並進而 認識人權保障的憲政意義,即成為一挑戰性的工作。本研究試圖開發一條 異於傳統憲法教學的方式,以案例教學的方式,試圖拉近學生對憲法的認 知,憲法不是只與憲政機關如總統、國民大會、行政院等五院有關之機關 而已,更重要的是憲法作為人民權利的保障書,其跟你我應有直接的關連 性。要加強這層關連性的認知,大法官會議之解釋,不論是其背後之案例, 或解釋文、不同意見書、協同意見書、聲請書等等,如何被利用於設計高 中憲法與人權的課程中,是不可或缺的探索。
The Grand Justices Committee is responsible for the interpretations of the constitution in a way that in our legal system it is function as judicial review of the laws passed by the legislature. In terms of protections of human rights, the Grand Justices Committee is similar to the role of the Supreme Court of the United States whose legal documents are important to the good knowledge of the protections of human rights in the United States and its constitutional practice. In this project, the legal documents of the Grand Justices Committee will be explored to the advance of the civic education of out high school students. Our goal is bringing the 『Grand Justice to the classroom』 where students can experience directly with the constitutional practices. Students can be familiar with the texts and words delivered by the Grand Justices Committee in such a way that they can realize the ideals of human rights and how the constitutional principles are used in our constitutional practices.
The Grand Justices Committee is responsible for the interpretations of the constitution in a way that in our legal system it is function as judicial review of the laws passed by the legislature. In terms of protections of human rights, the Grand Justices Committee is similar to the role of the Supreme Court of the United States whose legal documents are important to the good knowledge of the protections of human rights in the United States and its constitutional practice. In this project, the legal documents of the Grand Justices Committee will be explored to the advance of the civic education of out high school students. Our goal is bringing the 『Grand Justice to the classroom』 where students can experience directly with the constitutional practices. Students can be familiar with the texts and words delivered by the Grand Justices Committee in such a way that they can realize the ideals of human rights and how the constitutional principles are used in our constitutional practices.