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本研究之主要目的為開發一套雙軸式高精密運動控制平臺。所使用之致動器為鐵芯式永磁同步伺服線性馬達。在雙軸同動之前,先對單軸進行磁推力及馬達系統的數學模型建模,而後利用數學模型進行控制器設計。在本研究中,首先設計控制器為步階迴歸滑模控制器(BSMC)、而後利用Lyapunov穩定理論,完成適應性步階迴歸滑模控制器(ABSMC),另外為了提高系統精度,分別導入兩種不同補償方式(1)加入一維小腦模型類神經控制器(1DCMAC) (2)加入干擾估測器(Disturbance Obsever)。 雙軸同步線性馬達在精密控制上面臨三大干擾分別為漣波效應(Ripple effect)、摩擦力(Friction)及雙軸間的同動耦合(Coupling)問題。因此在控制器的設計上,需要考量環境因素及干擾之補償,並藉由非線性控制理論、Lyapunov穩定理論,完成非線性控制器設計,以提高系統精密控制效能。 在精密運動平臺的應用上,不外乎精密定位及動態軌跡追蹤。本論文將著重探討在精密動態控制下的效能分析,即使環境中具有干擾存在,整體系統響應仍然保持著精密控制效果。 本研究所使用的永磁鐵芯式同步線性伺服馬達,為上銀公司(HIWIN)所生產,產品型號分別為LMS27(X軸)、LMS13(Y軸),其最大行程皆為200mm。光學尺為Renishaw公司之產品,產品型號為RGH22Y,其解析度為0.1μm。人機介面採用美商儀器公司(National Instrument)產品LabVIEW 2010 Professional Development System進行控制器程式撰寫及開發。
The main propose of this study is to develop a two-axes high precision motion control platform. The actuators of this platform are permanent magnet iron core synchronous linear motors (PMLSMs) respectively. Before exciting two-axes PMLSM simultaneously, we need to analyze the mathematical model of one-axis motor system. After that we can design the controller of one-axis motor by the model of system. In this study, at first we design backstepping sliding model controller (BSMC), and then using the Lyapuvon stable theorem to complete adaptive backstepping sliding mode controller (ABSMC). However, to increase the performance of precision, we introduce two kinds of method, (1) one-dimension cerebellar model articulation neural network controller (1DCMAC) (2)disturbance observer, to compensate the disturbances. Two-axes precision motion control in linear motors are influenced three major disturbances which are ripple effect, friction, and coupling problem respectively. Therefore, compensating disturbances which causes by environment is necessary in the controller design procedures by non-linear and Lyapunov stable theorem to increase more precise control performance. In the application of motion control of precision platform, PMLSM is usually applied to position or track. In this research we focus on the analysis of control performance in the dynamic tracking. Even the disturbances exist around environment, the control performance still enhance by controller design. The permanent magnet iron core synchronous linear motors of this research are LMS27(X-axis)、LMS13(Y-axis) manufactured by HIWIN company. The maximum route of the motors are 200mm respectively. The linear scales are RGH22Y produced by Renishaw company and its resolution is 0.1μm. Human-machine interface utilizes LabVIEW 2010 Professional Development System to program code.



鐵心式永磁同步伺服線性馬達, 高精密定位控制平臺, 適應性步階迴歸滑模控制器, 小腦模型類神經網路, 干擾估測器, Permanent magnet iron core synchronous linear motor, High precise motion control platform, Adaptive back-stepping sliding mode controller, Cerebellar model articulation neural network controller, Disturbance observer





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