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Huang, Ray
Ting, Jen
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The Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University
本文旨在探討漢語裡是否存在孤懸主題(dangling topics),俗稱 漢語式主題(Chinese-style topics)。反對者認為,所有的漢語主題皆 透過句法鏈(chain formation)或A 槓移位(A’-movement),因而與 緊隨的評論句(comment clause)產生依附關係(dependency),獲得 形式認可 (syntactically licensed)。反之,贊成者則主張,漢語裡有 某些主題,也就是孤懸主題,是經由語意認可(semantically licensed) 的,與形式無關。比較兩造分析之後,本文反駁語意認可的論點,同 時修正形式認可分析中的一些缺點,總之,我們認為漢語裡並不存在 孤懸主題。
This paper compares two opposing views as to whether dangling topics exist in Mandarin Chinese. The non-dangling-topic analysis considers all Chinese topics syntactically licensed by chain formation or A’-movement, while the dangling-topic analysis treats some Chinese topics (i.e. dangling topics) as semantically rather than syntactically licensed. Rejecting the semantic licensing of topics, this paper argues in favor of the non-dangling-topic approach but meanwhile fixes some problems that may arise under this approach.
This paper compares two opposing views as to whether dangling topics exist in Mandarin Chinese. The non-dangling-topic analysis considers all Chinese topics syntactically licensed by chain formation or A’-movement, while the dangling-topic analysis treats some Chinese topics (i.e. dangling topics) as semantically rather than syntactically licensed. Rejecting the semantic licensing of topics, this paper argues in favor of the non-dangling-topic approach but meanwhile fixes some problems that may arise under this approach.