
dc.contributorCheng, Chih-Fuen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Zi-Haoen_US
dc.description.abstract跑者廣場網站使用者行為分析:整合科技接受模式之應用 2016年6月 研 究 生:黃咨豪 指導教授:鄭志富 摘要 本研究以整合科技接受模式理論為基礎,旨在探討國內第一個成立的路跑 (馬拉松) 入口網站「跑者廣場」之使用者行為。本研究以跑者廣場使用者為研究對象,於 2016 年 3 月 8 至 2016 年 3 月 31 日透過「問卷調查法」,取得有效樣本402份,並以描述性統計、簡單迴歸及階層迴歸等分析方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、跑者廣場使用者組成以男性社會人士、年齡以 21 至 30 歲間居多,路跑 (含馬拉松) 經歷最多為 1 至 3 年,參與路跑或馬拉松次數以 10 次以下居多,顯示跑者廣場使用者以年輕男性且多有參加過路跑 (含馬拉松) 經驗為主。 二、努力期望與社會影響越高,則跑者廣場使用者之行為意圖也越高,但績效期望並無正向影響行為意圖,顯示使用者使用跑者廣場時,績效期望並非主要影響因素;促進條件越高,則跑者廣場使用者實際使用行為也越高,顯示在使用跑者廣場時,使用者能獲得充分資源與協助,進而使用跑者廣場。 三、跑者廣場使用者在績效期望、努力期望、社會影響及促進條件對使用者行為意圖和使用行為之關聯會因個人使用經驗而有所不同;當個人使用經驗較少,兩者之間的正向關聯性則更高。 四、當跑者廣場使用者具有高度行為意圖,則有較高的機率使用跑者廣場。 綜合上述,建議跑者廣場可著重新進使用者之使用感受,創造口碑行銷;更新網站視覺設計與內容,提高跑者之績效期望知覺程度;改善操作介面,提升網站功能性。針對未來研究,建議加入其他構面探討,或以其他角度進行研究,採用量化研究輔以質性訪談的方式進行探討,且延長研究時程,以縱貫研究觀察使用者行為之轉變。 關鍵詞:整合科技接受模式、跑者廣場、路跑、調節效果zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA study of the users on the Runner Plaza website:An application of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology June, 2016 Author: Huang, Zi-Hao Advisor: Cheng, Chih-Fu Abstract This study was based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The purpose of this study was to understand user behavior on the first website of Taiwan road running : Runner Plaza. The research subject was through the questionnaire to recruit 402 valid samples during the period from 08 March to 31 March 2016 . Also, descriptive statistics, simple linear regression, hierarchical regression were used for data analysis. The results were as following: 1. The demographics of Runner Plaza users were predominantly consisting of male who worked in the society, aged between 21 - 30 years old. The Runner Plaza users experienced in road running (marathon) up to 1 - 3 years and participated in road running or marathon below 10 times. It represented that the most users of Runner Plaza were young men who had participated in road running (including marathon). 2. The higher effort expectancy and social influenced, the higher the users behavioral intentions of Runner Plaza were, but performance expectancy not affect behavioral intentions positively, representing when the users using Runner Plaza performance expectancy was not the main factors; the higher facilitating conditions, the higher the actual users behavior of Runner Plaza were, It represented the users can obtain adequate resources and assistance when they used Runner Plaza. 3. According to different personal experience, there are some differences is performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions with user’s behavioral intention. The less experiences of individuals use this website, there will be higher positive correlation between facilitating conditions with user’s behavioral intention. 4. When the users of Runner Plaza had high behavioral intentions, there is a higher probability of using Runner Plaza. In summary, the Runner Plaza can emphasize on these new users’ opinions about using this website, creating word of mouth; updating the visual design and contentot the website; promoting the conscious level of the runners’ performance expectancy; improving the user interface to enhance the website functions. The future study could add other aspects to discuss, adopting quantitative research and qualitative interviews to expolre the research as well as using longitudinal method to observe the changes of user behavior. Key words: UTAUT, Runner Plaza, road running, moderating effecten_US
dc.subjectRunner Plazaen_US
dc.subjectroad runningen_US
dc.subjectmoderating effecten_US
dc.titleA study of the users on the Runner Plaza website:An application of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technologyen_US

