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本論文旨在探討中華航空公司在企業社會責任 (CSR) 方面的實踐,特別是通過「愛心趴趴走」活動來實現社會公益的具體行動。本研究採用質性敘說探究方法,透過深度訪談、參與觀察及文件分析等方式,深入了解該活動的策劃、執行及其對社會的影響。研究結果顯示,「愛心趴趴走」活動不僅成功提升了中華航空公司的社會形象,增強了員工的歸屬感和使命感,還為弱勢群體帶來了實質性的幫助和支持。參與活動的志工們在過程中感受到幸福感和自我價值的提升,這成為他們持續參與的動力。活動通過模擬航空飛行、教育輔導和互動娛樂等多種形式,為偏鄉及特殊群體的孩童帶來了不同以往的體驗和關懷。本研究強調,企業社會責任行為不僅是提升企業形象的工具,更是一種能夠促進社會整體發展的長期承諾。中華航空公司通過「愛心趴趴走」活動展現了其在CSR方面的創新與實踐,為其他企業參與社會公益活動提供了寶貴的經驗和借鏡。研究結論指出,企業應持續關注並參與社會公益,以創造更大的社會價值。
This study aims to explore the practices of corporate social responsibility (CSR) at China Airlines, particularly through the"Love Heart Prowls Around" initiative, which represents a concrete action towards social welfare. The study employs a qualitative narrative inquiry approach, utilizing in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the planning, execution, and societal impact of this activity. The research findings reveal that the "Love Heart Prowls Around" initiative not only successfully enhanced the social image of China Airlines but also strengthened the sense of belonging and mission among employees, providing substantial help and support to vulnerable groups. Volunteers participating in the activity experienced increased feelings of happiness and self-worth, which motivated their continued involvement. The initiative offered children from remote and special groups unique experiences and care through simulated flights, educational tutoring, and interactive entertainment. The study emphasizes that corporate social responsibility acts not only as a tool for enhancing corporate image but also as a long-term commitment to promoting overall social development. Through the"Love Heart Prowls Around" initiative, China Airlines demonstrated its innovation and practice in CSR, providing valuable experiences and lessons for other enterprises involved in social welfare activities. The research concludes that enterprises should continuously focus on and participate in social welfare to create greater social value.



社會公益活動, 社會影響評估, 員工參與, 社會形象, 策略性社會責任, social welfare activities, social impact assessment, employee participation, corporate image, strategic social responsibility





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