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本研究計畫擬調查並分析討論賽考利克泰雅語的重疊形式,以及其與音韻之互動關 係;調查的方言將以烏來地區泰雅語為主。 對於重疊形式的討論方面,本計畫除了將檢視賽考利克泰雅語文獻中所記載的重疊形式 (如:純子音的重疊形式)是否存在於賽考利克泰雅語之外,也將檢視其它臺灣南島語 中常見的重疊形式(如:CVC-重疊形式)存在於賽考利克泰雅語的可能性。 對於重疊構詞和音韻的互動方面,本計畫將討論重疊加綴後,倒數第二音節前的母音是 否弱化,以及字中韻尾輔音是否存在的情形。在賽考利克方言中,除了含in的加綴型式 之外,當加綴情形產生時,倒數第二音節前的母音會有弱化的現象,且韻尾輔音也不能 出現在字中的音節。賽考利克泰雅語重疊詞文獻中所記載的純子音重疊符合這兩項規 定;然而,文獻中所記載的完全重疊形式卻違背這兩項規定。本計畫的目的之一便是設 法了解造成此差異之本質。 此外,本計畫也將討論音韻結構是否影響重疊構詞之形式。Chang(1998)研究邵語重 疊詞時發現,當不同形式之重疊詞語意相同時,在不同重疊形式的選用上,大致取決於 詞基的音節結構。賽考利克泰雅語重疊形式是否和音韻結構有關、為何有關、以及如何 解釋,是本計畫預定研究的議題。最後,本計畫希望透過對重疊加綴形式之討論來檢視 其它音韻議題;例如:賽考利克泰雅語的母音前滑音是否如H. Huang(2006b)所言, 是屬於韻腹而非韻首的一部份。本計畫擬收集詞基音節結構和音節數不同之重疊語料以 釐清上述議題,並以優選理論的架構將所觀察到的通則具形化。 本計畫從蒐集賽考利克泰雅語重疊詞語料出發,一方面客觀地陳述所收集之語料,另一 方面則以當代音韻學理論加以分析探討。本計畫預期將對賽考利克泰雅語重疊構詞形式 之瞭解、內部音韻現象之檢視、以及臺灣南島語重疊機制之全面性瞭解有所貢獻。
This project seeks to investigate reduplication in the Squliq dialect of Atayal spoken in Wulai Township, Taipei County and its interface with phonology. With respect to the investigation of the reduplication patterns, this project will proceed by first examining the availability of the reduplication patterns (such as bare consonant reduplication) reported in Squliq Atayal literature (Rau 1992, Lin 2004, Zeitoun and Wu 2006). In addition, this project will also investigate whether other reduplication patterns (such as CVCreduplication) reported to exist in other Formosan languages also exist in Squliq Atayal. With regard to the investigation of the interface between reduplication and phonology, we will address the following issues. First, whether pre-penultimate full vowels and word internal codas exist during reduplication will be examined. In Squliq Atayal, pre-penultimate vowels are reduced to schwas during affixation, and coda consonants do not occur word internally unless the syllables contain the in affix. While the bare consonant reduplication pattern (e.g. C- reduplication) reported in the literature conforms to the rule, the full reduplication pattern, which is also reported in the literature, contradicts it. One major goal of this project is to shed light on the nature of such difference. In addition, this project will also investigate whether variation between different patterns of reduplication is determined phonologically when they overlap in meaning. Chang (1998) points out that in Thao, when full reduplication and Careduplication overlap semantically, the base of full reduplication is usually maximally disyllabic and avoids word internal coda while the base of Ca- reduplication is usually minimally disyllabic and contains coda word internally. This project will examine whether the allomorphic variation between different reduplication patterns is correlated with the phonological structure of the base and aims to provide an explanation to it. Finally, the present project will investigate other phonological issues, such as the position of prenuclear glide in a syllable, through the investigation of Squliq Atayal reduplication. We will conduct a fieldwork to collect data to address the above issues. In addition, we will provide analysis to the generalization observed within the framework of Optimality Theory.







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