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本計畫以事件相關腦電位(event-related potential, ERP)來探討中文量詞─名詞的處理歷程。本實驗主要是進行量詞理解作業,實驗素材分為正確量詞─名詞搭配(例如「九條河流」)、不合法量詞「個」─名詞搭配(例如「九個河流」)以及不合法量詞省略(例如「九河流」)三種情形。結果發現,以華語為母語的受試者在遇到不合文法的情形時,會產生N400的腦波,顯示受試者是以語意的方式在處理量詞─名詞的搭配。
The goal of this proposal is to explore the processing of Chinese Classifier-Noun combinations with the event-related brain potential (ERP) technique. The current study uses a classifier comprehension task to test if subjects would present different patterns of brain waves when processing (1) grammatical Classifier-Noun combinations, (2) ungrammatical GE-Noun combination and (3) ungrammatical omission of classifiers. The results revealed that ungrammatical combinations of GE-Noun and omission of classifiers would induce N400, an ERP component associated with semantic processing.
The goal of this proposal is to explore the processing of Chinese Classifier-Noun combinations with the event-related brain potential (ERP) technique. The current study uses a classifier comprehension task to test if subjects would present different patterns of brain waves when processing (1) grammatical Classifier-Noun combinations, (2) ungrammatical GE-Noun combination and (3) ungrammatical omission of classifiers. The results revealed that ungrammatical combinations of GE-Noun and omission of classifiers would induce N400, an ERP component associated with semantic processing.