dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 張瓊惠 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 林秀玲 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 李秀娟 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 梁一萍 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 陳昭珍 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-01-29T09:15:16Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-01-29T09:15:16Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2010/12-2011/11 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫:族裔與移民文學 本計畫為三年期購書計畫,以文學領域中極重要之族裔與移民研究為主 題,依據本系既有之師資、研究成果、發展特色及人才培育方向為基礎,針對華 裔美國文學、日裔美國文學、韓裔美國文學、菲裔美國文學、越裔美國文學、奇哥 那美國文學、愛爾蘭裔美國文學為重點,購置相關圖書及參考研究資料,以完備 台灣師範大學在此一領域既有之館藏,建立完善的資源及本系特有之研究特色, 成為台灣在族裔與移民文學之研究重鎮、以及與國外學術交流之重要橋樑。並經 由圖書館的協助,促進圖書資源之流通、共享,提升學術研究的層級。 在族裔與移民研究當中,雖然美國的原住民文學、非裔美國文學、猶太裔 美國文學及印度裔美國文學亦非常重要,但因台灣大學外文系在九十六年度起執 行的「早期美國文學」購書計畫中,已包含有關印地安原住民的文學購置,清華 大學外文系在九十六年度起執行的「帝國與海外文學」購書計畫中,已包含有關 印度裔美國文學的圖書購置,而非裔美國文學及猶太裔美國文學則因為國內學者 長期在此領域研究多年,台灣各大學院校的圖書館早已累積可觀的館藏。因此, 考量本計畫之經費預算及以上各項因素,此四項重點在本購書計畫中略去。 台灣近年來在亞裔美國文學的研究可謂成績斐然,本購書計畫冀望在此之 時,以典藏購書計畫之經費促進國內在此一領域之圖書館藏更臻完備。同時在亞 美的族裔與移民研究的基礎上,加上奇哥那文學研究及愛爾蘭裔美國文學研究, 以準備未來進一步擴展研究範圍,繼續探討美國族裔與移民經驗以外的文學作 品。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | NSC-Funded LibraryAcquisition Project: Ethnicity and Immigration in Literature This three-year Library Acquisition Project focuses on the theme of ethnicity and immigration in literature. The research interests and publications of the existing faculty in the Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University, along with its future visions of departmental development and student education, lay the groundwork for mapping this project. This project is categorized into seven divisions, manifold but inter-related: Chinese American literature, Japanese American literature, Korean American literature, Filipino American literature, Vietnamese American literature, Chicano/Chicana American literature and Irish American literature. This project targets on a well-rounded and fully sufficient library collection on the study of ethnicity and immigration in literature, with the aim to facilitate resource circulation, equip academic research, advance research results and promote international exchange. In the study of ethnicity and immigration, Native American literature, Afro-American literature, Jewish American literature and Indian American literature are also significant realms of research. However, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at National Taiwan University has included Native American literature into their NSC-funded Library Acquisition Project: Early American Literature (beginning 2007) and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at National Tsing-hua University has included Indian American literature into their NSC-funded Library Acquisition Project: Empire and Oversea Literature (beginning 2007). Besides, the scholars in Taiwan have worked on the study of Afro-American literature and Jewish American literature for a long time and have successfully accumulated a satisfying amount of primary and secondary resources in these two fields. Therefore, regarding the budget limit and the above-mentioned reasons, this three-year LibraryAcquisition Project will skip these four realms. Scholars in Taiwan have expressed zealous commitments to the study of Asian American literature in recent years, which have also materialized in impressing amount of academic publications. This three-year Library Acquisition Project wishes to timely facilitate scholars with replete library resources in this field. With the solid research in Asian American literature, the library resources in the study of Chicano/Chicana American literature and Irish American literature will fortify the study in ethnicity and immigration by extending the research scope and exploring realms outside America. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_B0201_04_006 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44062 | |
dc.language | zh_TW | zh_TW |
dc.relation | (國科會專題研究計畫,NSC97-2420-H003-011-2E3) | zh_tw |
dc.title | 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---族裔與移民文學 | zh_tw |
dc.title | NSC-Funded Library Acquisition Project--- Ethnicity and Immigration in Literature | en_US |