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本計畫試圖針對閱讀研究中鮮少被注意到的,高等教育進階課程中的閱讀 障礙與學習困境,尤其是台灣人文與社會科學領域專業課程中結合英文文本與 原創學術經典的閱讀理解課題,進行行動研究的課程探索。在綜合整理語言學 習、教育心理學、行為科學、社會理論和科學哲學等相關理論之後,本研究具 體鎖定大學部高年級課程所需之分析閱讀和整合閱讀特性,試圖在「計畫導向 學習」(Project-­‐Based  Learning,  PjBL)的課程架構之下,藉由「空間介入教學 」的策略性假說,建構出一種適合人文與社會科學領域的反身自主學習策略─ ─從寫作立場出發的閱讀策略,以及從教學角度切入的學習模式,並以申請人 在系上所開設之「都市地理學」(大二下必修雙班)和「日常生活地理學」( 大三上選修)等學科專業課程,進行閱讀策略之實作探索與分析研究。本計畫 預期發展出「From CNN/BUS to TAKSI」的後設認知心像筆記閱讀策略、可作 為知識考掘與論述對話的「思想宮籟/概念平臺」教室空間組構、結合「讀書 工作坊」與「計畫工作坊」的情境流變態課程模組,以及從「歸納–演繹」的 科學邏輯進階到「辯證轉繹」的創意邏輯等閱讀學習策略要素,作為台灣高等 教育進階專業課程之原型模式,進而引領被動學習的師大學生,逐步朝向主動 探索知識,甚至創造發明知識的學者大師之路邁進。
This project tries to address the largely neglected issue of reading difficulties in higher education, focusing in particular on the advanced courses in humanity and social science in which Taiwanese students are facing the double challenges of English as Second Language (ESL) reading and the highly original texts of classic monographs. After carefully reviewing the literatures in language learning, educational psychology, behavior science, social theory, and the philosophy of (social) science, this research concentrates on the strategic matters of analytical reading and syntopical reading which are the keys to the success in reading comprehension for both undergraduate (senior years) and postgraduate studies. Based on the strategic hypothesis of “spatial turns in higher education”, it adopts an activist research approach to experiment the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) programs on the courses of Urban Geography (second year, compulsory course) and the Geography of Everyday Life (third year, elective course) in which the changing positions between teaching/learning and reading/writing are used to facilitate the development of strategic reading. The possible outcomes to be expected include the metacognitive reading strategies of “from CNN/BUS to TAKSI”, the spatial deployments of “chora of thought” and “conceptual platform” in classroom, the dynamic course modules combining “study workshop” and “project workshop”, as well as the logic shift from the “induction-deduction model” of positivist science to the “dialectical transduction” of creative thinking, and so on which are so important for the effective reading strategies in higher education.







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