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本計畫為三年期整合型計畫之子計畫,為延續「國民中學節能減 碳永續教育研究」計畫的初步結果,並繼續修正公民學域試驗教學後 之教學模組;此外,考量綜合活動學習領域與日常生活關係密切,乃 增加此學習領域教學模組的研究,且能與公民學域的教學模組進行正 式實驗教學和成果評量,舉辦全國北中南東教師節能減碳教學觀摩研 習會與增能工作坊,以推廣研究之成效,同時擬訂九年一貫國中階段 (七~九年級)能源教育的分段能力指標與補充說明,作為教育部訂 定教科書編寫有關能源教育的重要參考。 而目前進行中之「國民中學節能減碳永續教育研究」之二年計畫 已經完成或正在進行內容如下:完成第一年調查國中學生之節能減碳 環境永續知識、態度、環境敏感度與行為意圖,以及公民學域教師的 節能減碳環境永續教育、環境價值教學需求和教學策略;完成分析現 行課本的節能減碳環境價值內涵,以及九年一貫目前課程綱要與民國 100 年即將實施的新課程綱要之分段能力指標和補充說明內容的節能 減碳環境價值內涵。第二年已經擬出節能減碳相關議題和融入環境價 值與碳足跡理念於教學、培養與提升公民學域教師的節能減碳環境價 值觀、行動研究能力、課程統整、教學智能與教學效能,編製節能減 碳環境價值融入公民學域課程模組,以及修正教學效果評量表,目前 正在進行試驗教學,以及教學成果的前測,預計今年(2011 年)二 月底以前,完成試驗教學及學習成果評量之後測。
This proposal is a three years extension of the previous 2 years project “a study on sustainable education of energy saving and carbon reduction at junior high school”. In this proposal, we add integrative activities learning area to the original course structure because integrative activities are closely related to our life skill establishment. Thus, teaching modules in both civics learning area and integrative activities learning area can apply teaching experiments and evaluation together. According to the results of the previous project, in the first-year we accomplished the followings: (1) understand the knowledge, attitude, environmental sensitivity, and behavioral intention of energy saving and carbon reduction for junior high schools’ students, (2) investigate the need, the strategies and the connotation of teaching energy saving and carbon reduction and relative environmental values for junior high schools’ teachers in the civics learning area of Social studies, and (3) compare the capability index and content about energy saving and carbon reduction between current 9-year joint curriculum and the new curriculum implemented in 2011. The results of the second-year of this two-years integrated research subproject are to infuse energy saving and carbon reduction topics such as carbon footprint and environmental values into teaching modules, to promote the concept of environmental values on energy saving and carbon reduction for junior high school teachers of civics learning area, to enhance junior high school teachers’ professional efficacy and capability in teaching, action study, and curriculum integration, and to compile, demonstrate and evaluate the proposed teaching modules in the civics learning area of Social studies.







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