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本研究之目的為探究鷄籠中元祭節慶文化產業的行銷策略,並分析鷄籠中元祭節慶活動的轉變與文化意涵。本研究以產品、價格、地點、推廣與合作關係等五個面向,分析2007年鷄籠中元祭實施的行銷策略。研究調查時間為2007年04月10日至2008年04月30日。本研究採用質量並進的研究方式,包含文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談與問卷調查,針對鷄籠中元祭節慶活動、活動參與者以及舉辦單位之成員進行調查。研究發現:1. 鷄籠中元祭節慶活動,除了保存原先傳統的祭祀活動外,也以此核心價值發展出附屬的活動來吸引大眾參與;2. 行銷策略需仰賴政府的力量方可實施,然而政府部門又因公部門採購法的緣故,預算超過十萬元的活動企劃,必須採取公告進行招標發包出去,如果得標的廠商未能將鷄籠中元祭特有的意涵傳遞出去,勢必無法達到吸引人潮參與以及活絡基隆當地的商機;3. 政府部門間以及政府與宗親會之間未能制定健全的機制,導致內外部資源未能充分整合,行銷策略的實施也因而出現漏洞;4. 目前鷄籠中元祭碰到最大的問題是節慶擴張性所遇到的瓶頸,參與者的層面並沒有擴大。最後基於上述研究結果,提出相關建議:1. 建立組織管理整合機制;2. 藉由社區營造的力量,建立鷄籠中元祭節慶文化產業環境,培養地方經營能力;3. 建構複合式常態性質的鷄籠中元祭全球網站;4. 建立區域策略聯盟,加強基隆當地業者的合作;5. 改善鷄籠中元祭節慶活動週遭的交通環境;6. 加強媒體行銷宣傳,活化地方節慶文化產業;7. 成立專責單位,持續研究與追蹤地方節慶文化產業的效益。
The purpose of this research is to discuss the marketing strategy of Keelung Mid-summer Ghost Festival cultural industry and analyzes its transition and cultural implications. I applied 5P (product, price, place, promotion and partnership) to analyze the marketing strategy of KMGF. The investigate time of this research is from April 10, 2007 to April 30, 2008. This research combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze and investigate the KMGF, participants and the host organization member, including literature review, participant observation, semi structured interview and questionnaire survey. The conclusion is following: 1. In order to attract people to participate in the KMGF, the host organizations not only conserve the traditional worship activity but also develop the attached activity from the core value;2. The marketing strategy of the KMGF cultural industry must depend on the strength of the government to implement. But, the government limited by the government procurement method, the activities planning above NT$100,000 budget must adopt the announcement to invite public bidding. However, if the win bid business doesn’t understand the cultural implications of the KMGF, when they hold the activity without transmit the unique implications, hold this activity won’t to achieve an increase of the participation rate and activate the commercial opportunity in Keelung; 3. It has not been able to formulate the proper mechanism between the cooperative organizations so that many resources can not combine fully. Besides, implement the marketing strategy appears defect because of the management; 4. At present, the most major problem in the KMGF is its expansion that the class of the participant has not been expanded. Finally, based on the results, the suggestions are proposed: 1. It should establish the management conformity mechanism between the cooperative organizations; 2. It can establish the condition related to the KMGF cultural industry and raises the capability of the local administration by the strength of the community development; 3. Construct a multiple and constant global website for the KMGF; 4. To forge the strategic alliance in Keelung and strengthens the cooperation with the local businesses; 5. Improve the traffic around the Keelung mid-summer ghost festival activities; 6. Strengthens propaganda by the media marketing and activate the local festival cultural industry; 7. To be an agency to research and traces the benefit from hold the local festival cultural industry regularly.
The purpose of this research is to discuss the marketing strategy of Keelung Mid-summer Ghost Festival cultural industry and analyzes its transition and cultural implications. I applied 5P (product, price, place, promotion and partnership) to analyze the marketing strategy of KMGF. The investigate time of this research is from April 10, 2007 to April 30, 2008. This research combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze and investigate the KMGF, participants and the host organization member, including literature review, participant observation, semi structured interview and questionnaire survey. The conclusion is following: 1. In order to attract people to participate in the KMGF, the host organizations not only conserve the traditional worship activity but also develop the attached activity from the core value;2. The marketing strategy of the KMGF cultural industry must depend on the strength of the government to implement. But, the government limited by the government procurement method, the activities planning above NT$100,000 budget must adopt the announcement to invite public bidding. However, if the win bid business doesn’t understand the cultural implications of the KMGF, when they hold the activity without transmit the unique implications, hold this activity won’t to achieve an increase of the participation rate and activate the commercial opportunity in Keelung; 3. It has not been able to formulate the proper mechanism between the cooperative organizations so that many resources can not combine fully. Besides, implement the marketing strategy appears defect because of the management; 4. At present, the most major problem in the KMGF is its expansion that the class of the participant has not been expanded. Finally, based on the results, the suggestions are proposed: 1. It should establish the management conformity mechanism between the cooperative organizations; 2. It can establish the condition related to the KMGF cultural industry and raises the capability of the local administration by the strength of the community development; 3. Construct a multiple and constant global website for the KMGF; 4. To forge the strategic alliance in Keelung and strengthens the cooperation with the local businesses; 5. Improve the traffic around the Keelung mid-summer ghost festival activities; 6. Strengthens propaganda by the media marketing and activate the local festival cultural industry; 7. To be an agency to research and traces the benefit from hold the local festival cultural industry regularly.
鷄籠中元祭, 節慶活動, 文化產業, 行銷策略, Keelung Mid-summer Ghost Festival, Festival Event, Cultural industry, The marketing strategy