本研究採準實驗設計,邀請來自台北市及新北市180名國小五年級學生參與實驗,分別被分至概念圖註記導航組、大綱註記導航組、自由註記組,每組60人。單因子變異數分析及單因子多變量變異數分析的分析結果顯示,概念圖註記導航組的線上資訊定位能力與整合能力皆顯著優於其他兩組,而其中大綱註記導航組的兩種能力表現又顯著優於自由註記組。在線上閱讀後設認知覺察上,大綱註記導航組在資訊管理(Information Management)及評估(Evaluation)向度上的表現顯著優於概念圖註記導航組以及自由註記組;而在除錯(Debugging)及量表總分上,大綱註記導航組則顯著優於自由註記組。此外,大綱註記導航組的使用者經驗總分顯著高於自由註記組,與概念圖註記導航組之間則無明顯差異。
This research aims to examine the effects of note-navigation strategies on fifth graders’ online information positioning and integrating ability, and reading metacognitive awareness. “The Online Information Positioning, Integrating Abilities Instruction and Assessment System” was designed and developed to support the implementation of the reading strategies: the note-concept-mapping, the note-outlining, and the unrestrained note-browsing. A quasi-experiment was employed for the purposes of this research. One hundred and eighty fifth graders from Taipei City and New Taipei City were invited to participate in the experiment and divided into three groups: NCM(in which students were assigned to use the note-concept-mapping strategy when reading onling), NO(in which students were assigned to use the note-outlining strategy when reading online), and UNB(in which students were assigned to use the unrestrained note-browsing strategy when reading online).User experience of participants was collected by a user questionnaire. The data were analysed with ANOVA and MANOVA, and the results showed that note-navigation strategies can effectively enhance fifth graders’ abilities of positioning the information (NCM>NO>UNB). Similarly, the information integrating performance of group NCM is significantly better than that of group NO and group UNB. In online reading metacognitive awareness, group NO gained significant greater mean scores than group NCM and group UNB in dimension Information Management and Evaluation; group NO also got significant higher mean scores than group UNB in dimension Debugging and the overall score. Students in group NO, as to user experience, gave more positive feedback on the user experience than those who were in group UNB in overall, but not in each dimension. This research may be of importance in exploring the potential of note-navigation reading strategies. It provides educators with a better understanding of how to facilitate learners to read more quickly and effectively on the Internet and to enhance their online reading metacognitive awareness.
This research aims to examine the effects of note-navigation strategies on fifth graders’ online information positioning and integrating ability, and reading metacognitive awareness. “The Online Information Positioning, Integrating Abilities Instruction and Assessment System” was designed and developed to support the implementation of the reading strategies: the note-concept-mapping, the note-outlining, and the unrestrained note-browsing. A quasi-experiment was employed for the purposes of this research. One hundred and eighty fifth graders from Taipei City and New Taipei City were invited to participate in the experiment and divided into three groups: NCM(in which students were assigned to use the note-concept-mapping strategy when reading onling), NO(in which students were assigned to use the note-outlining strategy when reading online), and UNB(in which students were assigned to use the unrestrained note-browsing strategy when reading online).User experience of participants was collected by a user questionnaire. The data were analysed with ANOVA and MANOVA, and the results showed that note-navigation strategies can effectively enhance fifth graders’ abilities of positioning the information (NCM>NO>UNB). Similarly, the information integrating performance of group NCM is significantly better than that of group NO and group UNB. In online reading metacognitive awareness, group NO gained significant greater mean scores than group NCM and group UNB in dimension Information Management and Evaluation; group NO also got significant higher mean scores than group UNB in dimension Debugging and the overall score. Students in group NO, as to user experience, gave more positive feedback on the user experience than those who were in group UNB in overall, but not in each dimension. This research may be of importance in exploring the potential of note-navigation reading strategies. It provides educators with a better understanding of how to facilitate learners to read more quickly and effectively on the Internet and to enhance their online reading metacognitive awareness.
線上閱讀, 資訊定位, 資訊整合, 後設認知覺察, 註記導航