
dc.description.abstract教育和健康是人力資本兩項非常重要的特徵。許多研究已經發現教育和健康之間的 具有正向的關係,但是這種關係的因果型態和相互影響因素可能相當複雜。由於連結教 育和健康結果的中間變數項無法被理論預定,一些文獻嘗試建構統計模型進行研究。另 有學者發展模型探討兩者間反面關係。亦有學者主張一個或多個其他變數,例如時間偏 好率,才是影響教育和健康主因。這3 種可能性論點均有實證結果,均有助於瞭解教育 和健康之間的相互關係,故教育對健康的影響需要更多的研究結果來證實。 過去文獻在探討教育與心理健康間,僅有理論分析(Hammand, 2003)。事實上, 心理健康重要性不亞於身體健康,醫學上亦證實一些身體疾病是來自於心理調適不當 所造成,教育對於心理健康的實際影響,值得更多檢驗。本研究即擬同時觀察教育年 數與身體健康、心理素質間真實互動關係。 本計畫希望透過問卷調查、二階段logit 模式、二階段最小平方聯立模式、SEM 等 實證方法之研究,達成下列幾個主要目標:1.估計中學老師的教育和健康相互關係,深 入探討教育對身心健康影響的顯著性,2.估計健康投資對身心健康影響的顯著性,3.追 蹤調查與建立教師的身心狀況指標,包括健康狀況、工作滿意度、工作成就感、接受訓 練意願等身心指標,4. 探討中學教師進修碩、博士學歷後,其個人生產力、身心健康 是否顯著提昇,5.建立我國人力資本健康研究模式,作為觀察與估計台灣人力資本質量 研究之參考點。6.透過本計畫,探討我國教育資源配置之影響深度,並提出因應之道。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractEducation and health are the two most important characteristics of human capital. A number of studies have found positive associations between education and health, but the patterns of causality and effects of factors underlying these correlations are likely to be complex. Because intermediate factors linking education and health outcomes were not predefined, some literatures tried to model relevant empirical research. Some approaches have been explored to develop the reverse relationship. Others claim that one or more factors, for example rate of time preference , affect both education and health outcomes. There is evidence that these three kinds of possibilities contribute to observed correlations between education and health, the effect of education upon health need to be more verified by empirical studies. There are only theory research (Hammand , 2003 ) on education and mental health in the past. In fact, importance of mental health is not second to the physical health, also medical science have verified the fact that some diseases come from improperly psychological status, actual influence of education on the mental health is worth examining more, this research try to observe true interrelation between schooling and physical and mental health simultaneously. This plan ,by using questionnaire investigation , two-stage logit model ,two-stage least squares simultaneous model , SEM method , hopes to reach the following several main goals:1.to estimate the correlations of middle school teachers between education and health, testing significant effects of education on health, 2. to estimate significant effects of health investment on health status, 3. to inquire and setup such physical and psychological indexes including health status , work satisfaction , achievement, on-the-job training,4.to inquire into teaching efficiency and health status that a teacher experienced after higher trained , 5. to build up a health model to show the trend and scale of human capital, 6. to consider the influences human capital of on education resources and present some solutions.en_US
dc.subject.otherhealth investmenten_US
dc.subject.otherphysical and mental health statusen_US
dc.titleThe Correlation and Causal Study on Schooling、Health Investment、Physical and Mental Health for Junior/High School Teachers(II)en_US

