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這個計畫的目的在發展教師的數位遊戲式學習(Digital Game-Based Learning)知能,期能從發展教師的DGBL 知能的過程中,應用問卷、量表、手冊、文件、學習遊戲、及檢核表等一系列的工具與活動,逐步找到培訓教師DGBL 知能的模式。最終實務目標是整理一套教師DGBL 知能培訓課程。培訓方式採用 Teachers as Learning Game Designers,希望教師從學習遊戲設計過程中,獲得 DGBL 的觀念與方法。採用Teachers as Learning Game Designers 的理由是這個方式符合constructivism, constructionism, situated learning, contextualized learning, understanding by design, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK), project activity, experiential learning 等主流學習理念。研究擬回答五個問題:(1) 科學教師目前的數位遊戲式學習的知能和態度是什麼狀態?(2) 如何實施科學教師之一般遊戲及學習遊戲基本素養的培訓?(3) 如何實施科學教師之學習遊戲設計知能的培訓?(4) 如何將科學教師的設計寫成學習遊戲?及(5) 如何在課堂上實驗科學教師設計的學習遊戲?研究分兩年進行,第一年針對自然與科學的職前教師,第二年針對在職的自然與科學教師。擬在過程中完成教師數位遊戲式學習(DGBL)知能與態度問卷、教師之學習遊戲知能學習手冊、教師一般遊戲知能量表、教師學習遊戲知能量表、及學習遊戲設計手冊;作品將有單元的學習遊戲設計文件和單元的學習遊戲;資料將有教師DGBL 知能與態度資料、教師一般遊戲知能資料、教師學習遊戲知能資料、遊戲式學習效果資料、學生遊戲知能資料、及學生對遊戲式學習的態度資料。完成這個研究後最主要的貢獻有二:(1) 研究結束後,可整理出一個“教師DGBL 知能發展模式”,將兩年來的遊戲、問卷、量表、及歷程,整合成一個培訓模式;(2) 可將累積了兩年的遊戲、問卷、量表、數據、紀錄、prototypes、單元的學習遊戲等,轉化成一套教師DGBL 知能培訓課程,編一套DGBL 培訓手冊,免費提供國中小教師培訓使用。
This proposal intends to help teachers develop their DGBL knowledge and skills (DGBL: Digital Game-Based Learning). Tools, such as questionnaires, scales, handbooks, documents, and checklists, will be developed for the purpose of creating a model for teachers’ DGBL development. The “Teachers as Learning Game Designers” approach is chosen to implement this proposal. Teachers as Learning Game Designers approach is one of the best approaches in implementing concepts like constructivism, constructionism, situated learning, contextualized learning, understanding by design, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK), project activity, and experiential learning. This proposal tries to address five research questions: (1) what is the status of teachers’ knowing of and their attitudes toward digital games and DGBL? (2) How do we develop teachers’ generic knowledge and skills of digital games and learning games? (3) How do we develop teachers’ ability to design learning games? (4) How do we change teachers’ game designs into real learning games? And (5) How do we verify the learning effects of teacher-designed learning games? Two years is planned to execute this proposal. The first year’s participants are pre-service science teachers, and the second year in-service teachers. This proposal is expected to create several research tools, produce design documents, and develop some learning games. Our final goals are to construct a model for developing teachers’ DGBL knowledge, and to construct a free DGBL curriculum and program for teachers.







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