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National Taiwan Normal University


如何建構生涯以「安身立命」,是青年時期的重要核心議題,對生活在西方與華人文化脈絡影響下的現代臺灣青年而言,「生涯」究竟有何涵義?本研究旨在探討臺灣大學生對於「生涯」一詞所抱持的概念。以「原型分析」為手段,透過200 位大學生的參與,經由生涯詞庫建立、擴展、驗證、分類等階段,釐清「生涯」一詞所呈現的概念與範疇。研究結果顯示,臺灣大學生之生涯概原型架構,在水平向度上,可分為「內在」與「外在」兩大體系,「內在」體系包含「定錨」與「修為」、外在體系包含「工作生活」與「家庭生活」,其下又界定出「定向」、「定位」、「選擇」、「信念」、「實力」等基本概念,其下再包含「未來發展」、「個人終極關懷」等15個基本概念與36 個下位概念。在垂直向度上,內在體系為一個五層的概念架構,強調大學生內在的自我探索與知行培養,呈現大學生如何決定生涯方向與如何實踐;外在體系則為一個四層的意義系統,重視個人與外在的社會關係和現實脈絡,代表大學生如何思考自身與社會的關係。研究發現臺灣大學階段青年的生涯概念內外兼具,涵蓋多元,反映出西方個人主義取向、華人傳統儒家思想,以及現代青年生涯處境的交互影響。
To develop and construct an optimal career is one of the major challenges for youths in today’sworld. For college students, who are facing the key stage of career development, the concept of“career” is crucial. However, the meaning of “career” is complicated and blurred and there is adearth of systematic research on the multi-facet notions of career with its universality and culturaldifferences. Therefore, the present study seeks to explore the concept of ‘career’ among Taiwanesecollege students situated in the flux of Western and Chinese cultures. By employing the prototypeanalysis method, a group of 200 college students were invited to participate in the processes ofestablishing, expanding and validating career-related terms and phrases in defining thecircumscription and scope of career, and then a semantic analysis by similarity sorting wasimplemented to obtain the features classification of the career concept among these college students.Data of similarity sorting were analyzed using cluster analysis; a tree diagram depicting the meaningstructure of career was constructed based on the result of calculating the normalized root meansquare distance, which mirrors the distance among each clusters. The clustering results yielded tohierarchical tree diagram of the conception of career consisting of multiple levels. In the horizontaldimension, there was an “intrinsic” versus “extrinsic” division, labeled as superordinate level 1 and“anchoring” and “cultivating,” labeled as superordinate level 2. Under the superordinate levels, two layers of basic level concepts were also identified. Basic 1 level concepts include (from left to right):“orienting,” “locating,” “choice making” (under “anchoring”), “beliefs about work,” “competence”(under “cultivating”), “work life,” and “family life” (“extrinsic”). Basic 2 level concepts consist of“future development,” “existential concerns” (under “orienting”), “quality of being,” “attributes forstriving” (under “locating”), “prevail through effort” (under “beliefs about work”), “dance withopportunity,” “education,” “professional abilities” (under “competence“), “thorough and practicalconcerns of job,” “financial independence,” “stress of reality,” “work loyalty,” “social and globalreality” (under “work life”), “family relationship and responsibility,” and “quality of life” (under“family life”). Underneath the basic level concepts, there are 36 subordinate level concepts. As to thevertical dimension of the career prototype, the intrinsic dimension which contains 5 levels ofconcepts is a complicated meaning system, emphasizing the internal process of self-exploration andcultivation. The intrinsic system reflects concepts about decision-making and actualization of careerdevelopment among college students. The extrinsic dimension contains 4 levels of concepts,highlighting college students’ consideration of their relationships with the external social contextincluding family, work, and the global world. The result showed that the meaning of career weremulti-facet and all-embracing, reflecting a mixed influences from Western individualist orientation,Chinese cultural tradition and contemporary working world. This pioneering study has paved theway for establishing culturally-fit career theories as well as career guidance and counseling.






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