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Abstract The objective of this work was to study and evaluate the difficulty estimation methodology of work sample performance assessment by examining items of computer software application skill test (CSAST) for level-3 technician. Two major purposes of this study were, 1. To analyze the relationship between the difficulty of items and numbers of test components. 2. To develop the difficulty estimation methodology for items of article edit skills for a practical performance assessment to help teachers’ instruction and research. The quasi-experimental approach was adopted in this study and samples of study were based on 2nd and 3rd year of senior high school students. First of all, 94 3rd year students who had taken the level-3 CSAST were chosen based on sample of conveniences to take work sample performance test with “article edit skill test components”. Secondly, 157 2nd year students who planned to take the level-3 CSAST were sampled and trained with “article edit software” course for 36 hours. More over, those 157 students continued to take all 30 CSAST items and answer the questionnaires of “difficulty estimation”. All test results were evaluated and analyzed statistically to understand the impact of work sample performance assessment to article edit skill test. Three conclusions are resulted from above tests and analyses were, 1. 30 CSAST items showed the similar difficulty. 2. A significantly negative correlation was observed between “difficulty of work sample performance items” and “numbers of test components”. 3. A zero correlation was observed between “difficulty of work sample performance items” and “pretest difficulty of test components”.
Abstract The objective of this work was to study and evaluate the difficulty estimation methodology of work sample performance assessment by examining items of computer software application skill test (CSAST) for level-3 technician. Two major purposes of this study were, 1. To analyze the relationship between the difficulty of items and numbers of test components. 2. To develop the difficulty estimation methodology for items of article edit skills for a practical performance assessment to help teachers’ instruction and research. The quasi-experimental approach was adopted in this study and samples of study were based on 2nd and 3rd year of senior high school students. First of all, 94 3rd year students who had taken the level-3 CSAST were chosen based on sample of conveniences to take work sample performance test with “article edit skill test components”. Secondly, 157 2nd year students who planned to take the level-3 CSAST were sampled and trained with “article edit software” course for 36 hours. More over, those 157 students continued to take all 30 CSAST items and answer the questionnaires of “difficulty estimation”. All test results were evaluated and analyzed statistically to understand the impact of work sample performance assessment to article edit skill test. Three conclusions are resulted from above tests and analyses were, 1. 30 CSAST items showed the similar difficulty. 2. A significantly negative correlation was observed between “difficulty of work sample performance items” and “numbers of test components”. 3. A zero correlation was observed between “difficulty of work sample performance items” and “pretest difficulty of test components”.
推估方法, 試題難度, 技能檢定, 實作評量, estimation, difficulty, skill test, performance assessment