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本研究採用5052鋁合金與ABS塑膠進行超音波接合,並探討其振動壽命及拉剪強度。在試片接合之前,先使用CNC銑床在鋁合金接合面(30 mm×30 mm)鑽微陣列孔洞,再使用超音波銲接機搭接鋁合金與ABS試片,透過超音波銲接機產生的劇烈振動,使試片界面因摩擦熱而產生局部高溫,讓熔融ABS流入鋁合金孔洞內。為了提高試片的接合強度,在試片界面間添加ABS與稻殼灰質的摻雜粉末,由於稻殼燃燒後殘留的稻殼灰質含有大量二氧化矽,摻入試片界面,能提高軟材(ABS)的硬度,進而改善接合強度。 實驗前會先使用模擬軟體評估鋁合金和ABS接合後的自然頻率和振動模態,透過模擬可以瞭解試片最大位移發生位置,並預測試片的斷裂行為。此外,使用雷射都普勒振動儀(LDV)測量實際試片的振動模態輔助模擬不足的地方。透過振動實驗結果顯示,在相同孔洞深度1.5 mm且熔接時間2.5秒下,試片添加0.01 g稻殼灰質後比無添加之試片提升26 %的振動壽命;拉剪強度則由2.71 kN提升至3.59 kN,增加32 %的接合強度。若縮短孔洞深度至1.0 mm其拉剪強度提升效果更為明顯,由3.01 kN提高至4.35 kN,提高44%的接合強度,明顯能幫助塑膠與鋁合金的接合。此外,透過改變熔接時間比較試片的振動壽命和拉剪強度,發現同樣添加0.2 g ABS粉末且孔洞深度1.5 mm下,試片在熔接時間3秒的平均振動壽命為132.5 cycles,比熔接時間2.5秒的平均振動壽命110 cycles 提高20 %;拉剪強度則由2.71 kN提升至2.98 kN,提高10 %的接合強度。
In this study, 5052 aluminun alloy and ABS polymer were used as experimental materials to be dissimilar joined and explored the vibration life and tensile shear strength of the joints. In order to make the two dissimilar materials to be joined successfully, the micro-hole array have been made in the surface of aluminun alloy (30 mm × 30 mm) by CNC milling machine. Then, the ultrasonic welding machine was used to join the aluminun alloy and ABS polymer. The ultrasonic vibration will cause the frictional heat between the surfaces of dissimilar materials to melt the ABS, and the molten ABS was forced to flow into the micro-hole of aluminun alloy. In order to improve the joining strength of the dissimilar joint, the mixed powder of ABS and rice husk ash was added to the interface of the dissimilar materials. Since the rice husk ash contains a large amount of silicon dioxide after combustion, mixing in the interface may improve the joining properties of dissimilar joint. Before executing the experimental process, the natural frequency and vibration mode of the dissimilar joint have been analyzed by the simulation software. The maximum displacement position can be obtained through computer soft simulation. In addition, a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) was used to measure the vibration mode of the actual dissimilar joint to assist the simulation analysis. The experimental results show that the vibration life of dissimilar joint has been upgraded 26% for adding 5% rice husk ash in the interface for the same hole depth of 1.5 mm and a welding time of 2.5 seconds. In the same condition, the tensile shear load is increased from 2.71 kN to 3.59. kN, which has an increment of 32% in strength. When the micro-hole depth has been shortened from 1.5 mm to 1.0 mm, the tensile shear load of dissimilar joint can be improved from 3.01 kN to 4.35 kN, which has an increment of 44% in strength. Furthermore, proper control of welding time can improve the vibration life and joining strength of the dissimilar joint. According to the experimental results of adding 0.2 g ABS powder to joining interface and choosing the 1.5 mm micro-hole depth, the average vibration life of the dissimilar joint at the welding time of 3 seconds was 132.5 cycles, which has an increment of 20% in vibration life than the results of 2.5-second welding time. On the other hand, the tensile shear load of the dissimilar joint increases from 2.71 kN to 2.98 kN when the welding time increases from 2.5 s to 3.0 s, which has an increment of 10% in strength.



振動壽命, 異質接合, 超音波銲接, 稻殼灰質, vibration life time, dissimilar joint, ultrasonic welding, rice husk ash

