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本研究旨在探討優秀高中籃球隊教練家長式領導行為與領導效能之關係,以97學年度甲級高中籃球聯賽前八強之227位球員為研究對象,於2009年3月9日至23日以問卷進行資料的蒐集,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及典型相關進行統計分析。在量化資料統計完畢後,再於2009年3月30日至4月15日,將領導效能得分最高之前三支隊伍,各取一位球員(共三位)進行半結構式訪談,以瞭解教練獲致高領導效能之實際領導行為為何。研究所得結論如下: 一、優秀高中籃球員多會因個人背景變項的不同,而影響其知覺教練家長式領導行為中「威權」和「才德」領導的程度;然而,卻不會因個人背景變項的不同影響球員知覺教練家長式領導行為中「仁慈」領導的程度。 二、優秀高中籃球員會因攻守位置以及球隊成績表現不同,影響其知覺領導效能中「球員滿意度」的程度;優秀高中籃球員也會因球隊成績表現不同,影響其知覺領導效能中「團隊凝聚力」的程度。 三、優秀高中籃球隊教練家長式領導行為與領導效能之間確實具有相關性。教練若施予球員較高的「仁慈」及「才德」領導,將顯著提升「球員滿意度」及「團隊凝聚力」;教練若施予較高的「威權」領導,亦將提升其「團隊凝聚力」。 四、優秀高中籃球員知覺之教練威權領導行為多發生於球場上,皆源自教練對選手的管教行為,平日生活上選手幾乎未有感知。而球員在知覺教練仁慈領導方面,則多以私下的個別照顧為主,但感受不到教練維護球員面子的表現。而在球員知覺教練才德領導方面,除了「公私分明」與「以身作則」兩明顯的行為以外,教練在傳遞「品德及教育優先」的概念更能讓選手感受深刻。 本研究結果期待能提供給我國優秀高中籃球隊教練作為領導選手時的方針,或當作高中籃球重點發展學校選聘教練時的參考依據,以間接提升我國基層籃球水準。
The study aimed to explore the relationship between the paternalistic leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness by the coaches of excellent senior-high-school basketball teams. There were 227 participants, the final-eight basketball players of the men’s level-A High School Basketball League (HBL) in the 2009, from who were collected information by using questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation were performed for data analysis. In order to understand better how the coaches conducted the leadership behaviors on the participants, three interviewees were selected respectively from three top ranked teams on leadership effectiveness. The major findings were as followed: 1. The dimensions of “authoritarianism” and “morality” leadership in the paternalistic leadership behaviors were affected by the differences of demographical backgrounds of excellent senior-high-school basketball players; however, the dimension of “benevolence” leadership in paternalistic leadership behaviors was not affected. 2. The dimension of “players’ satisfaction” in the paternalistic leadership effectiveness was influenced by the differences of their positions and their team performance; moreover, the dimension of “group cohesiveness” in the paternalistic leadership effectiveness was also affected by the performance of their teams. 3. The paternalistic leadership behaviors and leadership effectiveness of the coach in excellent basketball teams were correlated. While the coach provides the players more benevolence and morality leadership, the players’ satisfaction and group cohesiveness were improved accordingly; when the coach provides more authoritarianism leadership, the group cohesiveness was also enhanced. 4. The coach’s authoritarianism leadership behaviors to the players of excellent basketball teams often occurred in thebasketball court instead of daily life, and the corporal punishments still existed now. The perception of benevolence leadership mainly focused on individualized care instead of saving faces. The perception of morality leadership focused on behaviors such as “division of the private and the formal” and “being a role model”. The players were usually impressed by the behavior “morality and education as priority”. The findings of this study could be a reference to the coaches in excellent senior-high-school basketball teams in the future and to further improve the level of basic basketball in Taiwan.



優秀高中籃球隊, 家長式領導行為, 領導效能, excellent senior-high-school basketball teams, the paternalistic leadership behavior, the leadership effectiveness

