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This proposal is the 3rd year of a three-year longitudinal study, aiming to evaluate long-term effectiveness of methadone treatment in areas of cost-effectiveness, drug lapse, quality of life, retention, mortality, and employment rates through follow-up research. Four methadone maintenance clinics were recruited in this study. Questionnaire was designed during the 1st year according to lietratures reviewed by the PI and Co-PIs. Nine parts are included in the questionnaire: personal information, the dosage of methadone, physical screening tests, income and employment, craving for heroin, Quality of Life, knowledge-attitude-practices regarding methadone inquires, and psychiatric severity. The 1st year research had recruited 505 heroin users from 4 methadone clinics located within Taipei county, Taipei city, I-lan county, and Keelung county between July and November, 2008. We recruited 94 more subjects during the beginning of 2nd year. Thus, a total of 599 methadone participants participated in this study. This is the 3rd year project proposal. During the 3rd year, we will follow 599 subjects through clinics, prisons, and local public health officers. The 3rd year study aims to evaluate longitudinal effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatment in terms of cost-effectiveness, drug lapse, quality of life, mortality rate, and employment rate through three-year follow-ups. The objectives of 3rd year are to (1) collect the 4th wave data and evaluate the long-term effects of methadone treatment, (2) examine the differences of three groups (retention, drop-out, and incarceration) on morality, drug lapse, quality of life, employment, and criminal activities, and (4) analyze data and write policy suggestions about drug treatment and harm reduction policy and alternatives in combination with cost estimates.







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