

  無論是哪一種測驗皆須面對試題曝光率的問題,試題的曝光嚴重影響試題的正確性,若能大幅度的提高試題數量並提昇試題編製的速度,試題曝光的威脅便能降至最低,而將電腦技術應用於此將可以有效改善這方面的問題。   本研究旨在探討以虛擬題庫針對各命題規則與預測變數進行系列完成測驗所能預測之歸納推理能力。研究者使用PHP平台開發「文字系列完成測驗虛擬題庫測驗系統」以改善試題曝光率的問題。本研究首先分析文字系列完成測驗的預測變數對試題難度及鑑別度的影響,再探討以「文字系列完成測驗虛擬題庫測驗系統」來估計受試者的歸納推理能力之可行性。研究之受試者為高中一、二年級學生,外在效標為「多因素性向測驗」。在接受本系統測驗之前,受試者皆已先進行過「多因素性向測驗」之評估。   多元迴歸分析的結果顯示,預測變數CNT、REL、SI、Adjacency與Equality與試題的難度之間皆呈現顯著相關,而在鑑別指數方面,相較於其他預測變數,CNT的影響力格外明顯。本研究受試者在「文字系列完成測驗虛擬題庫測驗系統」所獲得的分數與其在外在效標間的相關係數不高,其原因可分為題目、受試者兩方面,若能針對各點加以改進,相信實驗結果將能有所改善。
  No matter which kind of test we use, the item exposure is always a problem. The problem will affect the correctness of the exam seriously. If the amount of item in the item bank can be greatly increased, the problem will drop to an acceptable level. The problem can be solved effectively by using computer techniques.   The research mainly discusses the efficiency of calculation about the inductive reasoning ability by using the item rule, predictor variable and virtual item bank. The researcher developed “the virtual item bank of letter series complete task system” to solve the problem of item exposure with PHP platform. First, the research analyzes the influence about the item difficulty and item discrimination by adjusting the predictor variable of letter series complete task. Then the research focus on the practicability of evaluating the inductive reasoning ability of subject group by using “the virtual item bank of letter series complete task system”. The subject group are students of grade 1 and 2 in senior high school, and the external validation criterion is “multifactor aptitude test”. Before to take the exam, the subject group has already accept the “multifactor aptitude test”.   According to the analysis of regression, the predictor variables, include CNT, REL, SI, Adjacency and Equality, are correlative significantly with item difficulty. About index of discrimination, CNT is more important than other predictor variables. The correlation between the result of “the virtual item bank of letter series complete” task system」 and external validation criterion is not high enough. The reason may be divided into three parts: items, subject groups and the choice of external validation criterion.



試題曝光率, 歸納推理能力, 文字系列完成測驗, 虛擬題庫, item exposure, inductive reasoning ability, letter series complete task, virtual item bank





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