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為迎接新世紀挑戰,世界各國教育改革均強調為學生培養「帶得走的能力」。地理 科跨自然與其他人文社會學科,強調自然與人文環境的互動,著重地方、區域、國家、 全球的關連,並且培養使用地圖和3S 資訊科技(含GIS、RS、GPS)、環境觀察、議題 討論等技能,極有助於培養青年學子認識環境和理解世界。我國社會「考試領導教學」 的偏執仍盛,現階段大學學測或高中基測等又以選擇題為主要測驗題型,不但限制了評 量的多元化,進而更妨礙高層次能力的培養。有鑑於此,地理學界和各級學校教師合作, 為高中和國中小辦理競賽,開發多元評量方式,並派隊參賽與國際競賽,以掌握國際地 理教育發展脈動。 「高中地理奧林匹亞」分為團體賽(地理小論文賽)和個人賽(國際地理奧林匹亞 選手資格賽),主要目的為勵高中生進行專題研究,並選拔出優秀選手出國參賽。國中 小的「國家地理知識大競賽」強調開發多元的題型,自2008 年增設的「環境觀察能力 測驗」,更一步推動青少年對在地環境的觀察技能和態度,透過貼近學生日常生活經驗 的提問,來熟悉科學歷程。本年度將承繼以往的良好基礎,辦理第11 屆「高中地理奧 林匹亞」和第8 屆「國家地理知識大競賽」。配合兩項國內賽,辦理教師研習,以求競 賽辦理和教學現場的良性互動;並將持續開發線上地圖拼圖遊戲,擴大競賽推廣成效。 此外,我國去年參加第三屆亞太區域地理奧林匹亞 (3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Geography Olympiad)獲得兩面銅牌及國家地理世界錦標賽 (National Geographic World Championship)臺灣得第三名,成績超越以往,本年八月將參加在德國科隆舉行 的2012 國際地理奧林匹亞 (2012 International Geography Olympiad),預計有31 國 派隊。目前「高中地理奧林匹亞」、「國家地理知識大競賽」是國內分別針對高中和國中 小社會領域唯一的全國性和國際性比賽,本工作團隊將繼續努力,使競賽辦理更臻完善。
Geography as a subject in various school levels has unique status to enable students with the fundamental knowledge and skills for their future career. Despite of continuous education reformation in Taiwan, paper-and-pen test with the question type of the multiple choices is still dominant in the school. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a platform of multiple assessments. It is under such circumstances, two national geography competitions have been organized for various age group students and have received very positive feedback from school teachers and parents. The 11st Taiwan Geography Olympiad (2012 TGEO) for students of age 16-19 and the 8th Taiwan National Geographic Championship (2012 TNGC) for students under age 16 will be held in the coming autumn. The former include a project-based and an individual-based competition. The latter consists of three-stage tests and also an environment observation test. In terms of international interaction, these two national competitions will stimulate the practice of the fieldwork, issue discussion and scientific education, i.e., higher level abilities, into geography teaching, and in turn to help students to catch up the international level of geographical literacy.
Geography as a subject in various school levels has unique status to enable students with the fundamental knowledge and skills for their future career. Despite of continuous education reformation in Taiwan, paper-and-pen test with the question type of the multiple choices is still dominant in the school. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a platform of multiple assessments. It is under such circumstances, two national geography competitions have been organized for various age group students and have received very positive feedback from school teachers and parents. The 11st Taiwan Geography Olympiad (2012 TGEO) for students of age 16-19 and the 8th Taiwan National Geographic Championship (2012 TNGC) for students under age 16 will be held in the coming autumn. The former include a project-based and an individual-based competition. The latter consists of three-stage tests and also an environment observation test. In terms of international interaction, these two national competitions will stimulate the practice of the fieldwork, issue discussion and scientific education, i.e., higher level abilities, into geography teaching, and in turn to help students to catch up the international level of geographical literacy.