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眷村是當代台灣移民歷史的重要篇章之一,但眷村文化的保存工作在時過 境遷之後才逐漸受到重視;推動已經將近二十年的社區總體營造工作,迄今尚 未在亟待規劃的都市社區落地生根;而最符合現代都市人生活作息、讓街道充 滿活力的黃昏市場,依然被視為攤商違法聚集的都市之瘤。因此,本計畫試圖 整合這三大課題,運用「設計論述」和「批判實踐」的基本理念,以申請人從 小居住的眷村──影劇伍村──和改建成國宅之後的湖光新城,作為理論思考 的平臺與社會實踐的場域,探討以黃昏市場整合眷村文化保存和參與式社區規 劃的可能性,進而建構出一個街道劇場的城市論述──黃昏市場的城市曙光。   在相關時空概念、都市論述和規劃思維的綜合引領之下,包括 Jacobs 混合 使用的街道之舞、Oldenburg 的第三地/好所在、Soja 真實與想像的第三空間、Foucault 的他者空間/異質場域、Benjamin 的歷史辯證圖像、吳鄭重的日常生 活身體–空間、Alexander 的模式語言和參與式規劃、Castells 的流動空間與地 方空間,還有 Lynch 的都市意像元素和段義孚的地方愛等概念,本研究將以兩 年的時間,分別完成(1)湖光國宅社區內影劇伍村舊眷戶的家戶調查、訪談與 老照片徵集等工作(正在進行中);(2)黃昏市場空間模式與事件模式的身體 空間觀察、記錄與分析;並以此為基礎,展開(3)以整頓黃昏市場帶動參與式 規劃的社區營造工作(第 2、3項為今年度計畫重點),進而實現「以眷村飲食 文化保存帶動參與式社區規劃,以社區總體營造成果體現眷村文化保存」的設 計論述和批判實踐,輝映出以黃昏市場的街道生活照亮社區舞臺的城市曙光。
This project tries to combine the three pressing issues – the conservation of old military quarters, the development of participatory community planning, and the legitimacy of dusk street markets in the city – in one activist’s research program. Under the principles of “design-as-discourse” and “critique-as-realization”, it attempts to create the sense of place for the past as well as the sense of community for the future through the live street drama of a dusk market in Neihu, Taipei. Inspired by theories including Jane Jacob’s concepts of “mixed use” and “street ballets”, Ray Oldenburg’s argument of “third place” as great good place, Edward Soja’s real yet imagined “thirdspace”, Walter Benjamin’s articulation of the “dialectical image”, Michel Foucault’s conceptions of “heterotopia” and “other spaces”, Peter Cheng- Chong Wu’s “geography of everyday life on body-space”, Christopher Alexander’s ideas of “pattern language” and “participatory planning”, Manuel Castells’ distinction between “space of flows and space of places”, Kevin Lynch principles of “city image and its elements”, as well as Yi-Fu Tuan’s notion of “topophilia”, etc., this project is expected to spend two years (a) interviewing the residents in the community, especially those who coming from the ex-military quarters to highlight their cultural assets (it is the task now undergoing in the first year), (b) observing and recording the spatial patterns and event patterns of the dusk market, and (c) initiating a community planning project for public participation (items b and c are the tasks to be achieved in the following year). To combine these three subprojects, this research would turn the dusk market into a twilight zone of BMW (Bridge, Mirror and Window) for cultural conservation and community development.







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