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語言教師為語言教育成敗之關鍵,因此語言師資培育內涵十分重要。傳統上英語語言教師除必須具備英語語言能力外,尚須具備教育專門科目及教育專業科目之課程訓練及素養,但這些教師養成課程是否能因應以英語為國際通用語(English as a lingua franca, ELF) 的世界趨勢,則未曾受到質疑及檢視。因此,本研究擬以三年的時間來收集資料,以了解英語師資培育的現況,並探討其是否符合全球化架構下英語為國際通用語模式的師資培育內涵。第一年將以網頁分析及問卷調查方式,搜集台灣各師資培育大學擔任師培課程教師對現今之英語師資培育課程之意見,以了解現況、探討需求、並分析問題。第二年研究重點則在了解英語師資培育課程之授課內涵及課堂中互動溝通模式,並以一組師培生及其授課教授為研究焦點團體,實際體驗及評估ELF師資培育課程雛型,以作為未來規劃課程之參考,研究方法以課堂觀察、小組討論、及焦點座談為主。第三年研究重點為彙整前兩年之研究發現,提出符合英語為國際通用語架構且經過專家諮詢審議後規劃出來的英語師資培育課程。
English teacher education is key to the success of English language education. In Taiwan, English language teachers are required to have adequate English language proficiency as well as teaching professional knowledge. However, English has moved away from a foreign language to become a lingua franca among speakers of various first language backgrounds. Whether the core courses in English teacher education programs can keep up with this trend of globalization and prepare young generation for the communication strategies needed in this era is yet to be scrutinized. The goal of this three-year project is to review the current English language teacher education programs offered by various universities and propose a new curriculum that is in line with the global trend of using English as a lingua franca (ELF). The focus of the first year project is to provide an overview of the existing English language teacher training programs and to explore the changes where needed. The focus of the second year of the study is on a mini participatory project to explore a teacher education model based on the ELF framework. The main goal of the third year is to propose an English language teacher education program that meets the communication needs of the global village in the 21st century.
English teacher education is key to the success of English language education. In Taiwan, English language teachers are required to have adequate English language proficiency as well as teaching professional knowledge. However, English has moved away from a foreign language to become a lingua franca among speakers of various first language backgrounds. Whether the core courses in English teacher education programs can keep up with this trend of globalization and prepare young generation for the communication strategies needed in this era is yet to be scrutinized. The goal of this three-year project is to review the current English language teacher education programs offered by various universities and propose a new curriculum that is in line with the global trend of using English as a lingua franca (ELF). The focus of the first year project is to provide an overview of the existing English language teacher training programs and to explore the changes where needed. The focus of the second year of the study is on a mini participatory project to explore a teacher education model based on the ELF framework. The main goal of the third year is to propose an English language teacher education program that meets the communication needs of the global village in the 21st century.