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親子共讀對於兒童教育是相當重要的,過去研究發現,兒童若能從早期開始培養閱讀的習慣,對兒童未來的識字能力發展、口語表達相當有幫助。然而,卻有許多父母因工作忙碌沒辦法一起親子共讀,過去已有學者研究透過擴增實境閱讀能引起兒童的注意力,但在過去的研究中較多為如何提升學習者閱讀動機,較少學習成效的成果的探討。因此本研究主要目的為探討擴增實境結合PEER (Prompt提示、Expand擴大、Evaluate評估、Repeat重複)對話式閱讀,是否提升學習成效。 本研究以苗栗市幼兒園的學齡前56位兒童為研究參與者,並將兒童分為兩組,分別為父母閱讀繪本組(控制組)、擴增實境閱讀繪本組(實驗組)。兩組皆以相同繪本進行閱讀,在閱讀內容形式上父母閱讀繪本組是以父母在旁伴讀的形式閱讀;擴增實境閱讀繪本組則是使用擴增實境疊加PEER對話式教材進行閱讀。 根據研究結果顯示,擴增實境閱讀繪本組在學習成效比較時,兒童的閱讀學習優於父母閱讀繪本組,而在系統操作之部分,除了系統連線時間需要改進之外,兒童皆對擴增實境有正向良好的使用態度。在經由兩個星期後的延宕測驗結果顯示,使用擴增實境閱讀繪本的兒童亦有良好的學習保留程度。
Parent-child reading is very important to children's education. Past studies have found that if children can develop reading habits from an early stage, it will be very helpful to children's future literacy and oral expression. However, many parents cannot read with their parents. In the past, scholars have studied how augmented reality reading can attract children's attention. In the past, more research focused on how to improve learners' reading motivation. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to explore whether the combination ofaugmented reality and PEER (Prompt, Extension, Evaluation, Repeat) dialogue reading can improve the learning effect. In this research, object is five years old learners effective sample size was 56. The parent reading picture book group (control group) and the augmented reality reading picture book group (experimental group). Both groups used the same picture book to read. In terms of reading content, the parent reading picture book group reads side by side in the form of parent reading; the augmented reality reading picture book group uses augmented reality plus PEER dialogue textbooks for reading. According to the results of the study, when comparing the learning effects of the augmented reality reading picture book group, children’s reading learning is better than the parent’s reading picture book group learning. Augmented reality has a positive and good attitude to use. The delayed test results after two weeks showed that children who used augmented reality reading books also had good retention.



擴增實境, 擴增實境繪本, PEER對話式閱讀, Augmented Reality, Augmented Reality picture book, PEER dialogue reading

