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數位出版已成為下一波出版的主流趨勢,出版人才的培育也必須配合產業轉 型,以加速出版產業之數位化,而數位出版品的設計,仍需保留原平面出版品的 設計質感,再加上科技服務的優勢,才能增加產品的價值,因此為數位出版產業 培育具數位設計能力之未來之生力軍已是刻不容緩之務,且必須有策略、有系統 的進行人才培養。而科技校院學生將是未來數位出版產業的中堅份子,因此本研 究將以數位出版產業為對象,探討數位出版產業對數位實務能力之需求,進而發 展出符合數位出版產業需求之數位設計專業實務課程。 本研究第一年將透過實地訪談與問卷調查來瞭解數位出版產業對數位實務 能力之需求,並發展出數位出版產業之數位能力指標。第二年利用焦點團體訪談 法分析產業與學校對數位出版課程看法上之差異;使用DACUM 專家會議發展數位 出版產業需求之數位設計專業實務課程;並透過Delphi 法發展課程評量工具。 第三年透過準實驗研究法針對科技校院學生進行課程教學實驗,以及學習成效之 評估,並於最後提出對數位出版產業中數位設計人才培育之建議,以作為未來數 位出版產業人才實務能力培養之參考。
Digital publishing has become the next main trend in publishing industry. The cultivation of publishing human resource needs to match the transformation of the industry as well in order to accelerate the digitization of publishing industry. In order to add its value, the design of digital publication needs to remain the traditional publication’s characteristics. Therefore, to cultivate new blood with digital design competencies for digital publishing industry has an immediate demand in the future. The personnel training in digital publishing industry needs to be developed strategically and systematically. The college level students are the future main force in publishing industry. Thus, this research will investigate the need of digital competencies and develop professional digital design curriculum to satisfy digital publishing industry. In the first year, this research will conduct an interview and a questionnaire survey to inquire the need of digital competencies, and develop a digital competency index for digital publishing industry. In the second year, a focus group session will be conducted to examine the different need of both industry and the education institute. Meanwhile, a DACUM expert meeting will be hosted to develop professional digital practicum curriculum for digital publishing industry. Furthermore, a Delphi method will be used to evaluate the developed curriculum. In the third year, a quasi-experiment research method will be used to experiment on college level students with the developed curriculum and evaluated learning efficiency. Finally, a thorough suggestion of digital publishing student cultivation will be established. The result of this research will be shared with the digital publishing industry.
Digital publishing has become the next main trend in publishing industry. The cultivation of publishing human resource needs to match the transformation of the industry as well in order to accelerate the digitization of publishing industry. In order to add its value, the design of digital publication needs to remain the traditional publication’s characteristics. Therefore, to cultivate new blood with digital design competencies for digital publishing industry has an immediate demand in the future. The personnel training in digital publishing industry needs to be developed strategically and systematically. The college level students are the future main force in publishing industry. Thus, this research will investigate the need of digital competencies and develop professional digital design curriculum to satisfy digital publishing industry. In the first year, this research will conduct an interview and a questionnaire survey to inquire the need of digital competencies, and develop a digital competency index for digital publishing industry. In the second year, a focus group session will be conducted to examine the different need of both industry and the education institute. Meanwhile, a DACUM expert meeting will be hosted to develop professional digital practicum curriculum for digital publishing industry. Furthermore, a Delphi method will be used to evaluate the developed curriculum. In the third year, a quasi-experiment research method will be used to experiment on college level students with the developed curriculum and evaluated learning efficiency. Finally, a thorough suggestion of digital publishing student cultivation will be established. The result of this research will be shared with the digital publishing industry.