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「視覺」是人類與外界聯繫的重要知覺系統,當人類觀賞到自己喜好的景觀時, 會有不同的視覺觀看與注意行為,喚起對環境的不同認知與情感,並產生對環境的偏 好。水體景觀是環境偏好上最有力的景觀元素之一,水體景觀提供了美學上的愉悅感 及注意力復癒的效益。目前國內外缺乏探討景觀偏好之視覺生理與心理之整合性的研 究,且對於環境偏好的測量多使用傳統問卷的測量方式,其實無法有效挖掘出調查對 象內心深處真正的想法與感覺。因此,本研究針對水體景觀進行探討,結合圖像敘事 分析的「隱喻誘引法」與視覺注意力分析,並以精密的眼動追蹤儀紀錄所有影像瀏覽 的軌跡,以瞭解水體景觀對觀賞者之深層意涵與觀看之視覺注意力行為。研究第一年, 先建立水體景觀偏好的生心理整合基礎模式,由受測者選出最喜歡和最不喜歡照片, 分析其影像瀏覽的軌跡與景觀圖像意涵的關係。第二年擴大受測研究樣本與水體景觀 照片,分別由自然與都市環境中選取靜止、流動、落下/噴起之水體形式,檢視六種水 體形式的偏好程度與注意力復癒程度。本研究企圖從總凝視次數、總凝視時間與視線 返回次數等指標,檢驗景觀偏好程度、注意力復癒與凝視關係的假設,建立另一種結 合視覺生心理分析的模式,及客觀測量景觀偏好程度的研究典範。
「Vision」 is an important consciousness system to connect human with the world. When person views the preferred landscape, there would be different visual attention, which raises different landscape cognition and affection and then forms landscape preference. Waterscape is one of the most influential and powerful landscape elements. Waterscape provides aesthetics enjoyment and attention restoration benefits. Currently there is a lack of systematic and holistic discussion of physiological and psychological landscape preference. Most previous studies measured landscape preference used traditional questionnaire survey methods or pair-comparison procedure. This study will adopt metaphor elicitation technique, visual attention analysis and eye-tracking techniques to find the deep meaning of viewers』 visual focus behavior. The numbers of fixation, total fixation time, and return of fixation from the scanpath would be measured and calculated. After presentations were finished, the subjects would be asked to rate the preference and restoration order of each waterscape picture. The scanpath, landscape preference and meaning would be analyzed during this first stage of research. Second year, the research will expand to measure the subjects and waterscape photos. There would be six different types of waterscapes formed from natural and urban environments, and the waterscape can be categorized into: static, flow, and water fall. The relationship between preference level and attention restoration will be examined. This research aims to examine the holistic relationships among landscape preference level, attention restoration and visual attention variables which from fixation count, fixation time, and number of scans. These results imply that we can measure landscape preference more objectively by this eye-tracking paradigm and set up a psychophysics analysis mode.
「Vision」 is an important consciousness system to connect human with the world. When person views the preferred landscape, there would be different visual attention, which raises different landscape cognition and affection and then forms landscape preference. Waterscape is one of the most influential and powerful landscape elements. Waterscape provides aesthetics enjoyment and attention restoration benefits. Currently there is a lack of systematic and holistic discussion of physiological and psychological landscape preference. Most previous studies measured landscape preference used traditional questionnaire survey methods or pair-comparison procedure. This study will adopt metaphor elicitation technique, visual attention analysis and eye-tracking techniques to find the deep meaning of viewers』 visual focus behavior. The numbers of fixation, total fixation time, and return of fixation from the scanpath would be measured and calculated. After presentations were finished, the subjects would be asked to rate the preference and restoration order of each waterscape picture. The scanpath, landscape preference and meaning would be analyzed during this first stage of research. Second year, the research will expand to measure the subjects and waterscape photos. There would be six different types of waterscapes formed from natural and urban environments, and the waterscape can be categorized into: static, flow, and water fall. The relationship between preference level and attention restoration will be examined. This research aims to examine the holistic relationships among landscape preference level, attention restoration and visual attention variables which from fixation count, fixation time, and number of scans. These results imply that we can measure landscape preference more objectively by this eye-tracking paradigm and set up a psychophysics analysis mode.