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寄生語缺結構(parasitic gap construction 或簡稱 PG construction)與全域結構(across-the-board construction或簡稱ATB construction)都帶有超過一個與先行詞同指的語缺。自Ross (1967)起,就有許多學者認為這兩種結構是以相同的機制來衍生。採取這個看法的,其中一派主張把PG語缺當作是ATB語缺 (Pesetsky 1982, Haïk 1985, Huybregts and van Riemsdijk 1985, Williams 1990),另一派則是認為ATB語缺是一種PG語缺(Munn 1992, 1994, 2001, Franks 1992, 1993, 1995, Nunes 2001, Hornstein and Nunes 2002, cf. Boskovic and Franks 2000)。而也有少數研究對這個看法抱持否定的觀點,代表作品為Postal (1993),此外還有Nissenbaum (2000),最近則有Niinuma (2010)。本計畫將針對這兩種結構之間的衍生關係,從跨語言的觀點,加以深入探討,並且特別關注研究PG與ATB結構的各派分析在現代漢語(以下簡稱漢語)中的體現,目的在於對文獻中這個尚未有定論的議題,提出合理分析。本計畫主張PG與ATB結構由不同機制衍生,具體而言,PG結構以空算子分析(Chomsky 1986, Munn 1992, 1994, 2001, Franks 1995, Boskovic and Franks 2000),而 ATB結構以多維(multi-dimensional)結構(cf. Goodall 1987, Moltmann 1992, Li 2009)的思路來分析,較為可行。本計畫將對這兩種重要句法結構作一通盤考量,並且特別聚焦於漢語語言事實,進而確立這兩種結構之句法分析,並探討這個分析對普遍語法的含蘊意義。本計畫之研究方法將採質量並重原則,廣泛收集中外前人文獻,依據研究主題與議題收集語料,全盤性、有系統地進行分類,歸納出通則然後進行分析。然後,再多方驗證以確認此分析之可靠性與解釋性。本計畫在學術及應用方面之預期成果與具體貢獻如下: 1. PG與ATB結構為研究句法理論之重要結構,因此研究成果將增進吾人對自然語言 兩種結構形成策略的瞭解,並促進吾人對移動理論、線性化原則、A槓語鍊、空算 之合法性、空範疇之認可、並列結構及多維結構之衍生等相關句法理論及句法運作 制之瞭解及據此修訂普遍語法運作機制之基礎。 2. 研究成果將釐清漢語語法中移動理論之機制、A槓語鍊之形成、空範疇之認可及句子階層結構 (clausal structure) 等漢語重要語法議題之分析,並可據此進一步瞭解與修訂漢語語法體系。 3. 研究成果可據以建立一可靠之小型現代漢語寄生語缺及全域結構語料庫,提供語言學者及對外華語教學者與學習者做為研究及參考之用。 4. 研究成果將撰寫成論文,投稿於SSCI 或AHCI 期刊。 此外,研究助理參與計畫所受之訓練,無論是日後從事語言教學或繼續從事語言學研究都會有所助益。
The goal of this project is to investigate the issue whether the parasitic gap (henceforth P-gap) and across-the-board (henceforth ATB) construction are derived in the same way with special reference to the facts in Mandarin Chinese (henceforth Chinese). Since Ross (1967), various researchers have proposed that P-gaps and ATB gaps are derived in a uniform way: either P-gaps can be treated as instances of ATB gaps (Pesetsky 1982, Haïk 1985, Huybregts and van Riemsdijk 1985, Williams 1990), or vice versa (Munn 1992, 1994, 2001, Franks 1992, 1993, 1995, Nunes 2001, Hornstein and Nunes 2002, cf. Boskovic and Franks 2000). Some few studies, such as Postal (1993), Nissenbaum (2000) and Niinuma (2010) disagree with the unified view. The project will side with the non-unified view and argue for the plausibility of the null operator analysis for the P-gaps (Chomsky 1986, Munn 1992, 1994, 2001, Franks 1995, Boskovic and Franks 2000) and the multi-dimensional approach to the ATB gaps (cf. Goodall 1987, Moltmann 1992, Li 2009). The research method will be both quantitative and qualitative. We will collect data and previous literature based on selected issues, obtain linguistic patterns and generalizations, and form hypotheses. We will then test the proposed analysis against more data and native speakers’ intuition. The expected results and contributions are as follows: 1. The results will further our understanding of the strategies of forming the parasitic gap and across-the-board construction in natural languages and enhance our understanding of the working of the movement theory, linearization, A’-chain, null operator, empty categories, coordination and multi-dimensional structure in Universal Grammar. 2. The results will clarify the analyses of the important facts of A’-chain, null operator and empty categories in Chinese and help refine the syntactic system of Chinese. 3. The results will establish a corpus of the parasitic gap and across-the-board construction in Chinese for the use of linguistics researchers, language instructors and language students. 4. The results will be published in international SSCI or AHCI journals. The training received by the research assistants will be beneficial to their future career either in linguistics research or in language teaching.







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