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Bei-Chang Yang

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National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center


Discourses on the beauty of science serve as a means for fostering study interest, integrating scientific knowledge, and establishing values that are important issues in education. There are two challenges to incorporate aesthetics in teaching, namely developing a concrete foundation of aesthetic judgment and establishing its general applications. Comparing the effectiveness of education, teaching by traditional methods has strengths in efficiency and in knowledge detail. On the other hand, affective education lectures combining epistemology, science history, humanity, and social context provide productive dialogues and show advantages in appreciation and integration of knowledge. The American historian R.P. Crease has taken groundbreaking discoveries in Physics as examples to establish a two-level analysis to reveal elements of beauty in such scientific discoveries. The first level is to analyze the impact of each work on the scientific paradigm regarding depth, usefulness and conviction. The second level is to trigger the feeling of completeness, broadness, simplicity and splendor. However, fragmentation and routine are the characteristics of modern sciences. How to create a framework for appreciation of the beauty both of these data-collecting experiments and of the knowledge generated from pure ideas demands further analysis. Due to the semantic ambiguity and variations in the emphasis of subjects and individual preference, complimentary methods are required for the effective description of the beauty of science.


