
dc.description.abstract本計畫旨在研發國中數學科學習/教學/評量適用的雲端系統/平臺,並檢視其應用效益。研究中將建置各類系統,包含線上評測系統(含診斷系統)、數位教學介入系統、教學資源平臺等,提供學習內容、學習評量、及教師教學服務。研究小組第一年將開發雲端系統,並參酌現行國中一年級數學科教材及相關理論文獻,發展線上數學評量工具。第二年將依據第一年所建立的線上題庫,針對3000-4000位國一學生進行施測,實徵檢視其計量品質,全觀描述臺灣地區國一學生的數學學習表現概況與數學概念診斷模式(精熟剖面)的初步資訊,作為數位教學方案設計和介入的依據。第三年旨在建構ICT 融入的數位教學介入方案/系統,針對一般學生與落後對象進行介入實驗,統整兩年資料分析其對國一學生數學表現的協助效益,以奠定教學成果資源基礎,進一步推動教師專業發展活動。逐年討論的議題包含:1.國一學生線上數學評量工具的計量品質。2.國一學生的數學學習表現概況與單元數學概念診斷模型。3.數位教學介入方案對國一學生數學學習表現的整體提升效益。4.國一學生在接受數位教學介入方案後,單元數學概念診斷模型的改變。5.教師在使用教學資源平臺後,其專業成長特質。6.全體教師與學生對雲端系統的接受度評估。 本研究將探討雲端系統於國中數學科學習/教學/評量的創新效用,預期研究成果如下:1.完成雲端系統的建置,以支援各項教學與評量研究工作的進行,奠定教育雲服務的應用基礎。2.完成國一學生線上數學評量工具(含診斷系統),並嚴謹檢視其有效性,以提供數學學習與診斷的具體描述資訊。3.完成國一學生ICT 融入數位教學介入方案/系統,並初步完成介入效益的檢驗。4.完成教師培訓與教學資源和方案之推廣,提供研究與實務人員參考應用。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractThis research aims at developing a cloud computing system and platform for the learning, teaching and assessment of mathematics for junior high school. It involves the construction of various systems including online cognitive diagnostic system, e-Learning system, math competency model, instructional material platform, etc. These systems will provide content and assessment for learning, as well as assisted learning service. In the first year, the cloud computing system will be developed by intergrating seventh grade mathematics curriculum and related learning theory into the system. In the second year, we will investigate the quality of online assessment system that we developed in the previous year on approximately 3,000 to 4,000 junior high school students. Following that, the overview of junior high school students’ mathematic learning performance and concept diagnosis model in Taiwan will be presented to provide supportive information for instructional design and practice. In the third year, we will build the e-Learning system that is integrated with information communication technology (ICT), and analyze previous data that we collected in order to understand the benefits they have on from ordinary students and disadvantaged students. We will also promote professional development activities for teachers. The issues that we plan to investigate in these three years will include the following: (1) the quality of mathematic assessment; (2) students’ math performance and diagnosis model; (3) the effectiveness of the e-Learning system; (4) the variety of students’ mathematic diagnosis model after using e-Learning system; (5) the teachers’ professional development following the use of instructional material platform; and (6) teachers and students’ perceptiveness of cloud computing system. This study will explore the effectiveness of the cloud computing system in mathematical learning, teaching and assessment. We anticipate that we can reach the goals as follow: (1) to complete the construction of the cloud computing system; (2) to build mathematical on-line assessment (including diagnosis system) and its validity rigorously to provide specific description data, (3) to implement e-Learning program and to verify its benefits; (4) to promote professional training and instructional material for teachers, and to provide reference for researchers and practical personnel.en_US
dc.titleIntegrating Cloud-Computing in E-Learning and Cognitive Diagnostic Assessmenten_US

