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自然語言中被動句式的句法表現,一向是生成語法的研究焦點之一,在生成語法的發展上,占有極顯著的地位。在漢語被動句之研究上,仍以帶有標記 “被”的被動句為主。近年來對現代漢語被字句依主事名詞出現與否而採不統合分析(Ting 1995, 1998, Huang 1999, cf. Cheng, Huang, Li & Li 1993)似乎已漸漸成為對於現代漢語被字句的主流意見。雖然如此,也有一些學者並不表贊同(石2005、石&胡2005、Her 2009)。本計畫擬參酌其他學者所提出對現代漢語被字句不同的看法,考察更多的語料,而重新省視不統合分析,以對現代漢語被字句的句法作一通盤考量,進而確立現代漢語被字句的句法分析。本計畫在前一年度計畫中探討近代漢語被字句的句法結構,在本年度計畫中,也將考量此研究結果,來釐清現代漢語被字句的句法結構,藉由對現代漢語及其前身近代漢語被字句的全面考察,制訂一個真正合乎漢語語法系統的被字句分析,並且將生成語法帶入漢語歷史句法的討論,也將競爭中的語法(grammars in competition)、語言變化(change)與語言變異(variation)這些與歷史語法相關的概念帶入漢語語法的討論。研究方法將採質量並重原則,依據研究主題與議題收集語料,全盤性、有系統地進行歸納及語型之頻率統計並進行分析。然後,再多方驗證以確認此分析之可靠性與解釋性。本計畫在學術及應用方面之預期成果與具體貢獻如下: 1. 研究成果將確立現代漢語被字句結構分析,並增進吾人對自然語言被動句形成策略的瞭解,並促進吾人對格位理論、題元理論、移動理論等句法模組理論及句法運作機制之瞭解及修訂句法運作機制之基礎。 2. 研究成果將支持語言變異(language variation)這個概念在建構語法理論上的重要性,從而重視語言變異的現象及語言事實的出現頻率。 3. 研究成果可據以建立一可靠之小型現代漢語被字句語料庫,提供語言學者及對外華語教學者與學習者做為研究及參考之用。 4. 研究成果將撰寫成論文,投稿於SSCI 或AHCI 期刊。 此外,研究助理參與計畫所受之訓練,無論是日後從事語言教學或繼續從事語言學研究都會有所助益。
The goal of this project is to investigate the bei construction in Modern Chinese. Extending my previous analyses of the bei construction (1998, 2008), this project will revisit the non-uniform analysis as put forth by Ting (1995, 1998) and Huang (1999) in the aim to propose an adequate analysis for the bei construction in Modern Chinese. In order to achieve this purpose, this project will incorporate the results of investigation of the bei construction in Middle Chinese. The study of the bei construction in Modern Chinese not only will enhance our understanding of the mechanism of Universal Grammar and Chinese syntax but also will bring the perspective of generative grammar into the study of historical Chinese syntax and lends support to the importance of the concept of grammars in competition, language change and language variation for syntactic theory. The research method will be both quantitative and qualitative. We will collect data and previous literature based on selected issues, obtain linguistic patterns and generalizations, and form hypotheses. We will then test the proposed analysis against more data and native speakers’ intuition. The expected results and contributions are as follows: 1. The results will establish the analysis of the bei construction in Modern Chinese, and enhances our understanding of the mechanism of Universal Grammar as well as of Chinese syntax. 2. The results will support the role played by the concept of language variation in constructing linguistic theory. 3. The results will establish a corpus of the bei constructions in Modern Chinese for the use of linguistics researchers, language instructors and language students. 4. The results will be published in international SSCI or AHCI journals. The training received by the research assistants will be beneficial to their future career either in linguistics research or in language teaching.







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