
dc.description.abstract本研究計畫〈漢語語序在構詞、句法和篇章上的制約暨其教學應用〉,目的為分別 探討在構詞、句法和篇章等三個層次上,漢語語序背後的制約規律為何,並根據研究結 果提出教學應用。 過去文獻多在詞語或句子的層面來討論,而且多從個別的因素來探討。此外,研究 主要還是關注詞彙和句子為多,較少從篇章角度來探討對語序的制約。因此,本研究的 目的之一。本文乃欲透表局部連接的句內關係,演變成表整體連接的跨句關係,最終進 展至表承前啟後,不帶無實質意義的篇章標記和指標詞。 同時,本研究乃希望能就漢語的語序問題,在構詞、句法、篇章上有更全面的探討。 一方面不但著重此三個語言層面的相互聯繫;另一方面,亦擬透過不同的理論、角度來 探討每一個語言層面的多重制約。譬如,在構詞方面:透過語義、母音、音調、省力、 認知等因素;句法方面:透過韻律語法、主要分枝方向、焦點原則、時間順序原則、相 臨原則等原則;篇章方面:透過篇章標記、整體連接、篇章指標等跨句功能,從直向(構 詞、語法、篇章三大語言層面)和橫向(各個語言層面內部的多重制約),全面探討漢 語語序的制約因素 因此,本計畫嘗試補足先行文獻之缺口,除了嘗試釐清漢語語序在構詞、句法此兩 方面的制約規律外,在篇章方面的探討也是一大重點,希望能使漢語的語序問題,有更 全面的探討與結論. 最後,在漢語教學部分,也希望同時呈現從句法結構至篇章功能的漸進式教學原 則,亦即,希望根據上述的構詞、句法、篇章三個層面的實際分析結果,以「教學語法」 的排序性和累進性的原則,針對漢語語序,提出教學上的應用. 本計畫的四個研究步驟如下: 第一年:釐清漢語語序在構詞方面的多重制約規律。 第二年:釐清漢語語序在句法方面的多重制約規律。 第三年:探索漢語語序在篇章方面的多重制約規律. 最後,針對以上構詞、句法和篇章上的制約規律提出漢語語序的教學應用.zh_tw
dc.description.abstractThe present proposal investigates Chinese word order at morphological, syntactic, and discourse levels and aims to provide pedagogical implications based on the research findings. Previous research was devoted primarily to describe the constraints of word order at the word and sentence levels, and the approaches largely focused on individual constraining factors. Therefore, one of the research purposes of this proposal is to move beyond the traditional focus of morphological and syntactic descriptions and delve into the discourse domain, by examining how local linkage at the intra-sentential level evolves into global linkage at the extra-sentential level in extended discourse, and finally into a discourse marker and guidepost. Additionally, the present research proposal attempts to provide a dual perspective for the word order constraints in Chinese: Not only does this research project attempt to investigate the interconnection across the three linguistic levels of morphology, syntax, and discourse, but it also aims at utilizing different relevant theories and theoretical constructs to unveil the multiple constraints within each of the three linguistic levels. For instance, it will examine factors such as word meaning, vowel, tone, least effort, cognition at the word level; principles such as prosodic syntax, Principal Branching Direction, Focus Principle, Principle of Temporal Sequence, Adjacency Principle at the sentence level; and functions such as global linkage, discourse marker, and guidepost at the discourse level. By vertically taking into account the interconnection among the three linguistics levels and horizontally delving into multiple constraints within each of the three linguistic levels, a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis of word order constraints in Chinese can be better achieved. Moreover, at the pedagogical level, this proposed project will incorporate the results of the multi-level linguistic analysis into the framework of pedagogical grammar. The purpose is to provide teachers and textbook writers of L2 Chinese with information based on authentic language use and arranged according to the concepts of sequentiality and cumulativeness. In sum, the procedure of the proposed project involves a three-year span: 1st year: Clarify the multiple constraints on Chinese word order at the morphological level. 2nd year: Clarify the multiple constraints on Chinese word order at the syntactic level. 3rd year: Clarify the multiple constraints on Chinese word order at the discourse level. Finally, a pedagogical implication of Chinese word order, on the basis of sequentiality and cumulativeness, will be provided according to the multiple constraints within and across the three linguistic levels.en_US
dc.subject.otherword orderen_US
dc.subject.otherprosodic syntaxen_US
dc.subject.otherPrincipal Branching Directionen_US
dc.subject.otherFocus Principleen_US
dc.subject.otherPrinciple of Temporal Sequenceen_US
dc.subject.otherAdjacency Principleen_US
dc.subject.otherglobal linkageen_US
dc.subject.otherdiscourse markeren_US
dc.subject.otherdiscourse guideposten_US

