A composite controller for unknown nonlinear dynamical systems using robust adaptive fuzzy-neural control schemes

dc.contributor.authorW.-Y. Wangen_US
dc.contributor.authorC.-C. Hsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorY.-G. Leuen_US
dc.description.abstractA robust adaptive fuzzy-neural control scheme for nonlinear dynamical systems is proposed to attenuate the effects caused by unmodeled dynamics, disturbance and modeling errors. A composite update law, which has a generalized form combining the projection algorithm modification and the switching-σ adaptive law, is used to tune the adjustable parameters for preventing parameter drift and confining states of the system into the specified regions. Moreover, a fuzzy variable structure control method is incorporated into the control law so that the derived controller is robust with respect to unmodeled dynamics, disturbances and modeling errors. Compared with previous control schemes for nonlinear systems, the magnitude of the control input by using the proposed approach is much smaller, which is a significant advantage in designing controllers for practical applications. To demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method, several examples are illustrated in the paperen_US
dc.relationthe 2000 IEEE International conference on Control Applications, Anchorage, AK,USA,pp. 220-225en_US
dc.subject.othercomposite update lawen_US
dc.subject.otherfuzzy-neural approximatoren_US
dc.subject.otherfuzzy variable structure controlen_US
dc.subject.otherand nonlinear systemen_US
dc.titleA composite controller for unknown nonlinear dynamical systems using robust adaptive fuzzy-neural control schemesen_US

