dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 張國恩 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-10-30T09:32:25Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-10-30T09:32:25Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2011-07-01 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 雖然網路學習應用已日益普及,但網路學習成效仍不免遭受質疑,網路學習環境所衍生的認知超載、學習過程難以監控與學習迷失現象等問題仍舊存在,且難以很快獲得全面性改善。因此必須積極因應不同的學習困境,研擬改善之道,逐步累積並推廣各項改善應用成果,才能讓網路學習獲致更廣大的認同與支持。透過形成性評量策略的應用,依據學習者的學習情形不斷地給予學習者回饋,幫助學習者掌控自己的學習過程,避免網路學習環境的認知超載與學習迷失等問題;但必須注意的是其回饋的資訊應具備促進學習者反思的意涵,助其找出適當的學習方向或改善學習上的盲點,否則形成性評量將會衍生讓學習者僅以找到正確答案為目標的假性精熟狀況。為此,倘能透過問題解決情境強化其情境感知意象,以電腦模擬呈現的概念表徵作為即時回饋訊息內容,藉由互動的操作與觀察引發學習者的認知覺察,並運用概念改變教學策略助其針對易於混淆的概念進行澄清,或可促其進行深化的反思與覺察。本研究將藉由環環相扣的教學策略與科技應用,建立網路模擬式學習的應用模式,改善形成性評量理論於網路學習環境的策略應用,且透過實徵觀察與使用行為與內容歷程分析,尋找其運用上的限制與盲點,作為後續研究的基礎。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | Although the e-learning applications are becoming more numerous day by day, however, studies on how online learning improves learning performance have produced diverse results. The e-learning environment still encounters the obstacles about cognition overload, disorientation, etc. It’s hard to generate overall improvement of the obstacles. Therefore, we need to draw up resolutions of different learning problem, and apply resolutions in action. It could provide the appropriate feedback for learners based on different learning situation unceasingly by the way of formative assessment activities, and helping learners to monitor and evaluate their own learning process. Therefore, it can keep off the learning problem about cognition overload and disorientation. But the most important issue is that the feedback information should have facilitated high-level thinking and reflection for the learners, and helping them to discover the direction of learning process and clarify the misunderstanding. Otherwise, formative assessment may give rise to the problem about surface mastery. Therefore, we have to intensify the nature of context awareness by incorporating problem solving strategy, and providing external representation through the computer simulation software as the feedback information. The cognitive awareness can be enhanced if an e-learning environment promotes learner interactions and gives them opportunities for manipulation and observation. Additionally, we apply the conceptual change teaching strategy aimed at helping learners to understand the nature of the complicated abstract concepts, thereby facilitating cognitive reflection and integration of the relevant abstract concepts. This research has attempted to integrate different teaching and learning strategies and implement simulation-based learning software. For this study we construct the simulation-based learning model and improve formative assessment strategy in the e-learning environment, and also investigate the effectiveness and limitation of the learning model in both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_A0904_04_064 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34552 | |
dc.language | chi | zh_TW |
dc.relation | (國科會專題研究計畫,NSC99-2511-S003-026-MY3) | zh_tw |
dc.title | 整合形成性評量、問題解決與概念改變教學策略之模擬式網路學習環境建置與應用研究 | zh_tw |
dc.title | Integrating Formative Assessment, Problem Solving and Conceptual Change in Simulation-Based Learning Environment | en_US |