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本研究將以鄒族內在研究者身份,以族語進行阿里山鄒族傳統 領域與資源管理相關知識之探討, 這包括鄒族有關領域性 (territoriality)/空間性知識,如領域之認知觀念、自然環境之知識、資 源之認知分類與管理、地權制度(土地資源分配/取得、繼承、土地利 用、保護維繫等)等內涵,以建構鄒族空間性知識本體論以及相關之 方法論,並探討領域資源與社會結構之間的對應關係,以及其與超 自然神靈觀念之間的對應關係,進而釐清族群主體與領域及與超自 然之關聯,進而獲致全盤性(holistic)的鄒族知識。 在理論觀念上,從一個角度上,本研究是在進行一種知識解殖 民(decolonization)與建構(construction)的行動,一種知識份子的行 動,而這是基於後殖民主義(post-colonialism)的啟迪而來。研究者本 身接受主流學術之養成訓練,而成為主流社會中的研究者,然而本 研究不同於一般之研究之關鍵在於族語,亦即建構原住民知識強調 以族語進行訪談、記錄與書寫,然後才進行轉譯在過程中的必要性, 在知識建構中保留了族語,因而最後所產生的知識,將是以族語為 內在,翻譯語言為外在的雙語知識。其次,內在研究者之位置勢將 跨越現代西方知識分工界線,進而並縫合片段分離之知識領域而成 為完整的知識,以避免當代知識之困境。
The author, repositioning himself as an insider of cou peoples living in Ali mountains area in central part of Taiwan, tries to explore the traditional knowledge of territory and land management/territoriality, or spatial knowledge, referring their concept and idea of territory,knowledge of natural environment, concept of resources and its management, land tenure system and its use. The purpose of the project is to try to build, by the way abovementioned, cou epistemology and its related methodology, and further to build a ontological and holistic knowledge of the cou』s cosmology. And in the whole processes of the research, from participated observation, interview, writing to recording and the like, cou language should always be the first language, until its has to be translated accurately into the mainstreams language, which means a perfect bilingual capacity that the indigenous researchers should have. Only by this way, the author believe the true and correct knowledge of cou can be assured. The author adopts a post-colonialism viewpoint, actually he tries to complete in the same time the decolonization and construction of the indigenous knowledge, and this new ontology could help us cross over the boundaries divided by the westernized academy and rebuild a new opened space for the indigenous knowledge.
The author, repositioning himself as an insider of cou peoples living in Ali mountains area in central part of Taiwan, tries to explore the traditional knowledge of territory and land management/territoriality, or spatial knowledge, referring their concept and idea of territory,knowledge of natural environment, concept of resources and its management, land tenure system and its use. The purpose of the project is to try to build, by the way abovementioned, cou epistemology and its related methodology, and further to build a ontological and holistic knowledge of the cou』s cosmology. And in the whole processes of the research, from participated observation, interview, writing to recording and the like, cou language should always be the first language, until its has to be translated accurately into the mainstreams language, which means a perfect bilingual capacity that the indigenous researchers should have. Only by this way, the author believe the true and correct knowledge of cou can be assured. The author adopts a post-colonialism viewpoint, actually he tries to complete in the same time the decolonization and construction of the indigenous knowledge, and this new ontology could help us cross over the boundaries divided by the westernized academy and rebuild a new opened space for the indigenous knowledge.