民眾對網路健康資訊之批判思考技能之研究(公眾對科技的理解及參與 )三

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在資訊時代中,透過網路獲得健康資訊是越來越普遍的行為。然而民眾是否具有足夠的科學素養,以批判思考技能處理網路健康資訊,以及如何提升其批判思考技能,都是值得研究的問題。本研究為期三年,第一年重點在瞭解民眾蒐尋、接收、採信及傳佈網路健康資訊的經驗及其批判思考技能運用情形。 本研究以中小學教師為研究對象,包括較資深教師與年輕教師。透過半結構式焦點團體法收集資料。研究工具包括「焦點團體討論題綱」、「網路健康資訊文本」與「批判思考技能分析表」。 研究發現資深教師以接收電子郵件為獲取網路健康資訊之主要管道,而年輕教師會因為個人的需要與興趣而主動上網搜尋相關專業網站。年輕教師不輕易轉寄郵件;相對的,資深教師以親朋好友為接收與轉寄依據。對於健康資訊的採信,資深教師會依各個人的經驗知識與先人智慧來決定;年輕教師則較強調證據、論述合乎邏輯否,以及親身體驗的反思。至於實際應用則和健康資訊本身性質有關係,例如傷身與否。 至於批判思考技能力運作情形,年輕教師運用澄清、奠基與邏輯推理三個層面的技巧。在澄清方面,對訊息提出疑問,例如用字遣詞不夠明確,指出網路資訊中具偏見的內容,例如訊息過於極端與偏頗;在奠基方面,能引用知識背景,對訊息進行評斷,若有不符,會提出證據,例如新聞報導與專家知識來檢驗;在邏輯推理方面,運用目前有的知識理論做基礎,進行分析、歸納,來判斷資訊的真偽。相較之下,資深教師著重澄清與奠基兩項技能運用,比較缺乏邏輯推理,而澄清訊息時,多以個人經驗為主。因此未來在規畫其批判思考技能培訓方案時,需加強邏輯推理著手。而年輕教師往往也會運用既有知識做為批判的基礎,但是對既有知識本質缺乏批判反思機制,因此未來在規畫其培訓方案時,需從轉化學習著手。
The purpose of this study was to develop the instructional program for teachers to enhance their critical thinking skills for the teachers. Furthermore, the field experiment was applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The subjects for this study were 25 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The program was implemented following Ennis„s instructional stages: clarify, diagnosis, practice and evaluation. In order to understand the subjects‟ operation of critical thinking skills, online health information was excerpted and examined by experts as research materials to provide subjects for reading and discussion. In addition, "second-level critical thinking ability test" was adopted as the tool for pre and post test to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The study found that during the diagnostic phase, the subjects used more critical thinking skills such as "questioning", "argument evaluation" and "Comparison". However, the subjects became to use more thinking skills such as “ evidence searching” and “argument evaluation” during the practice phase. In addition, a significant difference was found in post-test scores, and subjects made more progress in argument evaluation, assumptions identification and logical reasoning. The findings showed the effectiveness of the critical thinking skills training program. This study suggested to strengthen the interaction with the professional community, and through the transformative learning process to promote the awareness of identifying assumptions, and then to enhance the operation of the high-level critical thinking.



