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台灣的茶業生產早期以北部為主,早期北部茶園的生產方式是茶農負責生產 茶葉的原料,而大型茶廠則負責加工茶菁形成一種福特主義式的加工生產方式。 在北部的茶區因為政府的政策而形成路徑依賴,在台灣逐漸工業化之後因為工資 上漲與外銷市場上失去競爭力,形成轉型的壓力。約在1980 年代後期,椪風茶 成為北埔與峨眉兩鄉鎮茶葉生產的主力。椪風茶對新竹地區的茶產業產生了重要 的影響。椪風茶的生產特性使得它為其他茶產互接受,成為提高茶區產值的良 方。椪風茶帶動的生產方式的改變引發一個福特式生產方式與後福特生產方式的 衝突。在較巨觀的尺度審視了椪風茶帶動地方農業的轉型,由福特式生產轉向替 代性農糧網絡後,本研究首要的疑問就是北埔、峨眉等地的生產模式以及其背後 的社會、經濟關係如何變化與如何配合與支援這股變化。其次,本研究希望處理 的是較微觀商品的認識論的議題:椪風茶何以可以為社會接受,它具有什麼品 質,以及它如何為大眾接受這些品質。
The tea industry in Taiwan is originated in northern Taiwan, with a division of labor of tea farmers producing tea leaves and big-scaled firms processing tea, which formed a fordist mode of production. Owing to a path-dependency of the state’s policy, the tea industry had lost it advantages after the industrialization. The tea industry was under a great pressure of transition. The Formosa oolong tea has become the driving force for the renaissance of local tea industry in the late 1980s. also, the Formosa oolong tea becomes mutual-supplement with other tea regions and benefits other tea regions a lot. The mode of production of the Formosa oolong result a conflict between fordist and post-fordist mode of production. The study aims to explore how the mode of production and the social behind it changed, with a micro theoretical scale. Secondly and in a macro perspective, how the society accepts the Formosa oolong tea and its distinctive quality?
The tea industry in Taiwan is originated in northern Taiwan, with a division of labor of tea farmers producing tea leaves and big-scaled firms processing tea, which formed a fordist mode of production. Owing to a path-dependency of the state’s policy, the tea industry had lost it advantages after the industrialization. The tea industry was under a great pressure of transition. The Formosa oolong tea has become the driving force for the renaissance of local tea industry in the late 1980s. also, the Formosa oolong tea becomes mutual-supplement with other tea regions and benefits other tea regions a lot. The mode of production of the Formosa oolong result a conflict between fordist and post-fordist mode of production. The study aims to explore how the mode of production and the social behind it changed, with a micro theoretical scale. Secondly and in a macro perspective, how the society accepts the Formosa oolong tea and its distinctive quality?