

本研究旨在探討父女互動經驗對女兒親密關係的影響。採質性研究方法,藉深度訪談蒐集資料。正式研究對象共四位,年齡在二十六到三十歲之間的異性戀女性,每位受訪者皆訪談兩次。 研究結果分析由心理動力的角度切入,並參酌文化背景,整理為三部份:第一「她與父親的互動經驗」、第二「她的親密關係」及第三「她和她的內在世界」。整合來說,父女互動經驗影響女性的內在運作模式,父親身上令女兒特別討厭或喜歡的特質,影響女性選擇的伴侶特質。但隨著女兒年紀漸長,父親歩入中、老年,父親情感表露的程度增加,父女間會有較多了解彼此與親近的機會。此外,女兒從親密關係中經驗到不同以往的互動模式及挫折後的省思,也會改變女性的內在運作模式,使得父女關係與女性小時候有所不同。其中轉變的關鍵來自於女性從對外在評價的依賴,過度到由自己來定義自身的價值;內在自體與客體的關係也由高低位階的權力關係,轉為整合協調的自我,而促發關係的轉變。 最後,根據本研究結果針對女性自身及父女關係提出反思,並說明對女性、父母及未來研究的建議。
This purpose of this research was to examine how experience of father-daughter interaction affect daughter’s intimate relationship with her partners. The research was carried out using a qualitative research design. Data were collected through in-depth interviewing method. There were 4 participants investigated in this study. They were heterosexual women aged between 26 to 30 and were interviewed twice for this study. Data were analyzed in three parts: (1) experience of interaction between daughter and father; (2) daughter’s intimate relation; (3) daughter and her internal world, taking culture consideration. Results indicated that father and experience of father-daughter interaction influences female internal working model. Moreover, father’s distinguishing characteristics influence the special behaviors and attitudes of partners whom daughter choose to be with. Additionally, fathers and daughters had more opportunities to interact intimately as fathers get older and show their love overtly. Nevertheless, experience of father-daughter interaction contributes to daughter’s changing her internal working model. Daughters’ major change may contribute to their dependence on external approval which in turn influences their self-concept. Their self-concept and relationships with others were then greatly influenced by the power relationship of the Self and the Object. Finally, reflections on father and daughter's relation according to results of this study and future studies on women, parents and are suggested.



父女互動, 父女關係, 親密關係, 內在運作模式, experience of father-daughter interaction, father-daughter relationship, intimate relationship, internal working model





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