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本研究探討學生使用「DragonBox Algebra 12+」搭配學習單與規則卡的代數學習成效及學生對遊戲的滿意度。 研究採準實驗設計,研究參與者為台中市大甲區某公立國小六年級的學生共25人,實驗組13位學生搭配學習單與規則卡進行DragonBox數位遊戲學習,控制組12位學生直接進行DragonBox遊戲式學習,參與者先前並無使用「DragonBox Algebra 12+」的經驗。最後以研究者自編題目進行後測以檢驗兩組之間的差異性,並以問卷的數據及師生訪談歸納出學生對遊戲的滿意度和師生對遊戲的看法。 研究結果顯示,搭配學習單與規則卡的實驗組在後測的平均分數較無搭配學習單與規則卡的控制組高一些,但兩組經統計分析結果無顯著差異,兩組學生都對DragonBox持正向的看法,老師也認同DragonBox有助於學生學習代數概念。
This research explores the learning effectiveness and the satisfaction of utilizing “DragonBox Algebra 12+’’ game. This study applied a quasi-experimental design. The participants were fifth-grade students at an elementary school in Taichung. Thirteen students in the experimental group played DragonBox game with the help of worksheets and rule cards. Twelve students in the control group also play DragonBox game, but without aids. All the participants have no experience of playing “DragonBox Algebra 12+” game. Algebraic pretests and posttests were administered to both groups. Questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted to collect data about satisfaction and attitude toward the algebraic game. Results showed that students with worksheets and rule cards have a slightly higher score than those without, but there is no significant difference between the two groups. Students of both groups gave a positive reactions toward the DragonBox game, and teacher believes that DragonBox game is an effective math tool to help students learn algebra.



遊戲式學習, DragonBox, 代數學習, game strategy, DragonBox, algebra learning

