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工作記憶是大腦在進行複雜工作時,用來暫存訊息的地方,對學習有重大影響。巢狀迴圈因涉及內、外迴圈結構,在程式執行時,內、外迴圈中的變數及程式執行狀態常需暫存處理;因此,工作記憶顯然會影響學生學習巢狀迴圈概念。本研究主要是探討工作記憶與巢狀迴圈學習成就的關聯。  參與本研究的實驗受試者為64名國小六年級學生。實驗共實施四節課,前兩節為巢狀迴圈教學,第三節進行迴圈成就測驗,第四節實施工作記憶模型中視覺空間模板的旋轉廣度測驗。實驗結果得到以下結論:(1)單迴圈學習成就與視覺空間模板無顯著相關,(2)簡單巢狀迴圈學習成就與視覺空間模板無顯著相關,(3)複雜巢狀迴圈學習成就與視覺空間模板有顯著正相關。根據研究結果,建議巢狀迴圈教學可根據學生工作記憶能力進行差異化教學;教學設計時,應由淺入深逐步增加迴圈複雜度,並提供學生理解線索,以減輕學生工作記憶負荷。
Working memory is used to temporarily store and process information when performing complex tasks, which has a significant impact on human learning. Nested loop involves inner and outer loops. When a nested loop program is executed, the variables in the inner and outer loops and the state of program execution need to be temporarily stored. It is obviously that working memory plays a very important role in students’ learning the concept. This study explored the relationship between students’ working memory and their learning achievement of nested loop.  The subjects of this study were 64 sixth-grade elementary school students. A total of four classes were given to students, two classes of nested loop teaching, one class of loop achievement test, and one class for testing the rotation span of the visuospatial sketchpad in the working memory model. We draw the following conclusions from the experiment: (1) Single loop learning achievement is not significantly related to the visuospatial sketchpad. (2) Simple nested loop learning achievement is not significantly related to the visuospatial sketchpad. (3) Complex nested loop learning achievement has a significant positive correlation with the visuospatial sketchpad. The findings suggested that the nested loop teaching can be differentiated based on the working memory ability of students; and when designing teaching, the materials should be arranged from simple to complex to reduce the working memory load.



程式設計, 巢狀迴圈, 工作記憶, 視覺空間模板, programming, nested loop, working memory, visuospatial sketchpad





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