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台灣地區青少年藥物濫用問題日益嚴重,隨著社會潮流的不斷改變,青少年藥物濫用的防治策略也應符合時代趨勢,方能有效引起青少年注意,以達到防制的果效。因此本計畫的研究主旨,主要在建立最新「國中學生藥物濫用危險因子」資料庫外,亦研擬不同於傳統課室內教學策略,而改採以網路及戲劇表演為主之「國中生藥物濫用防制推廣機制」。國中生藥物濫用危險因子調查,主要在探討目研影響台灣國中生藥物濫用之個人、家庭、學校、社區等影響因素,瞭解青少年藥物濫用之危險因子,再藉由學校同儕教育的介入、社區中家長成長團體的介入、提升保護因子並降低危險因子的危害,以達到預防青少年藥物濫用的目標。國中生藥物濫用防制機制方面,則包括學校介入及社區介入兩部份,學校方面主要透過學校同儕教育配合網路群組的介入,社區方面,則透過社區家長教育介入並發展社區青少年藥物濫用介入手冊,進行研究介入,最後評價其介入效果。 本研究共兩年,分為三階段進行。第一年分為兩階段進行,第一階段主要工作為國中學生藥物濫用生態學危險因子之調查,除瞭解目前台灣地區國中生藥物濫用的現況外,亦可瞭解影響國中生藥物濫用的重要影響因素,作為本研究介入策略的重要參考依據;第二階段,主要工作為國中生藥物濫用防制教材設計及發展,可分為學校及社區部份的教材設計,學校部份為發展一套藥物濫用防制同儕教育的同儕訓練課程,以作為第二年訓練同儕領導者之教材;社區部份為發展社區家長使用之青少年藥物濫防制手冊,作為第二年家長成長團體的教材之一,另於第二年發放給社區居民,以提升家長對青少年藥物濫用防制的知能。第二年為本研究的第三階段,主要工作為執行介入及成效評價計畫,在學校部份,透過第二階段由同儕教育課程,訓練學校同儕教育者,與其共同發展「校園遠離藥物行動劇團」於校內演出,同時以建立「網路設群」,吸引國中生於網路社群的討論,同時擴大同儕教育的果效,以建立國中生藥物濫用預防之社會規範,進一步影響國中生藥物濫用課程、青少年藥物濫用防制手冊介入外,另於社區中其他組織發放預防藥物濫用手冊,希望能增加社區家長預防青少年藥物濫用行為,增加家庭保護因子,並於第二年下半年介入計畫實施前後,針對學校及社區進行相關之成效評價工作。 本研究期待能將此研究經驗,提供其他衛生政策、教育單位及攝政單位於推廣青少年藥物濫用之參考,另也希望將本研究之具體成果,直接提供給有需要之社區組織或學校單位,作為青少年藥物濫用防制推廣教育之用。其他學校方面的同儕教育策略所發展之「校園遠離藥物行動劇團」發展模組,可提供給國民中學推廣藥物濫用策略之參考,「校園遠離藥物行動劇團」演出之光碟,可發放至全國國民中學,作為預防青少年藥物濫用防制教育之教材;社區方面所發展之「社區家長成長團體教育模組」可提供其他社區組織作為家長教育之參考教育模組,而社區「青少年藥物濫用防制手冊」,亦可提供給相關政府機關、社政單位、社區組織於推廣青少年藥物濫用防制之用。最後,更希望藉此研究整合學校與社區資源之作法,能為青少年藥物濫用防制工作開啟一個新的里程碑。
Abstract Key words: substance abuse, substance abuse prevention education, integrated school intervention Substance abuse among adolescents in Taiwan becomes increasingly serious. To accomplish the effectiveness, substance abuse prevention strategies for adolescents should cater to the trend that attracts the youths?? attention. The aims of this study are to establish a database of ??崇isk Factors of Substance Abuse in Junior High School Students?? and to develop teaching strategies, which are thoroughly different from the traditional classroom teaching. Teaching strategies using network technology and drama playing will be mainly applied to ??徠he Promotion Mechanism of Substance Abuse Prevention in Junior High School Students??�. The objective of this risk factors survey is to investigate and to understand the personal, families??, schools??, and communities?? factors that influence the substance abusing behaviors in youths. Subsequently, peer education intervention in the school setting and parent-centered group intervention in the community setting will be administered. The ultimate goal is to effectively prevent substance abuse in adolescents through enhancing the preventive factors and reducing risk factors. As to the preventive mechanism, it will include school intervention and community intervention, and the effectiveness of both interventions will be evaluated. In school intervention, the main strategy will be the peer education incorporating the intervention of network discussion groups. In community intervention, it will include educating parents and developing the intervention manual of youth substance abuse in community. This study is a two-year study with three phases. In the first year, two phases will be accomplished. In the first phase, the researcher will investigate the ecological risk factors of substance abuse in order to understand the status and influential factors of substance abuse in junior high school students. In the second phase, educational materials will be developed for subsequent interventions in the second year. The substance abuse prevention manual will be also distributed to the community residents to enhance parents?? knowledge and ability to substance abuse prevention. In the third phase, intervention strategies will be implemented and the intervention effectiveness will be evaluated. In school setting, the peer leaders will be trained in the second phase and they will participate in creating and acting in ??徠he Remove Substance away from Campus Troupe??�. Meanwhile, a network discussion group will be establish to promote the discussion of substance abuse prevention among junior high school students. It is hoped that the discussion group will extend the effects of substance abuse prevention and will form a social norm of substance abuse prevention among youths. Consequently, it will change the substance abusing behaviors among junior high school students. In community setting, objectives include recruiting parents, founding a parents learning group, and providing training courses and educational manuals. The educational manuals will also be distributed to parents other than those in the learning group with a hope of enhancing the preventive factors of substance abuse in families. The effectiveness of interventions will be evaluated in both school and community settings in the second half of the second year of this study. The results of this study will provide valuable references in promoting substance abuse prevention for divisions of health policy, health education, and social and interior affairs. Additionally, the products of this study, including the manual, educational modules, and the CD Rom of the drama, could be distributed to community organizations, secondary schools, and







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