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網路日誌Blog自1997年出現後,其使用人口呈爆炸性的增長。許多人透過Blog易於上傳資訊的特性用來記錄個人心情日誌,抒發心得感想與分享照片。近年來國外很多知名大學將Blog應用於教學中,老師和學生透過Blog進行教與學的分享。然而在國內Blog這個網路新寵兒雖慢慢為國人所知,但顯少應用於教育領域中。許多中小學教師對於如何使用Blog來從事中小學的電腦教育仍處於摸索中,並未形成一個具體的教學導入模式。 本研究為具體發展出可以整合Blog的教學平台,採用問題導向學習的教學策略融入Blog功能運作,並以高職計算機概論課程為實例,開發出一個Blog教學網站。在此Blog教學網站中,並結合以XML為基礎的課程內容註解技術,透過教材內容註解、多媒體教材註解、與問題討論註解功能,讓學習者在Blog教學網站學習的同時也能以語意查詢來釐清課程不懂的觀念,幫助學習順利進行。 經初步的課程導入分析,從學生的發表文章與學習單整理,發現學生普遍喜歡此種主動的合作學習方式,並呈現良好的學習反應;教師應用此Blog教學網站進行教學,可以累積課程知識和教學資源,並能集中精力進行教學研究和課程內容設計,使Blog的應用自然地成為學習的一部分。
Blog is becoming popular here in Taiwan, and it has been extensively used in the following aspects: writing web log, expressing reading responses, sharing photographs, etc. However, blog is seldom applied to education (educational territory).Therefore, it’s a good chance to build up an educational website (webucation/ e-eduaction), with functions that can be classified into seven main categories; curricular handouts, multimedia teaching materials, learning problems, learning experience, test corrections, network knowledge, and curricular annotations. Each of them not only has a certain educational aim but also provides students with diversified learning materials. On the one hand, instructors can illustrate the courses, perform multimedia teaching materials, assignments, or discuss issues with annotated languages; afterwards they save all the files in XML into the knowledge bank. On the other hand, learners can search for the related subjects or topics on the blog to explicate ambiguous concepts. In the way, they can make good use of the files, and they indeed help a lot. Learners are divided into groups and discussion is promoted. With cooperative learning method, learners can learn from one another and then acquire knowledge. In the process, they discuss and solve the problems unselfishly; all the good answers they figure out can be useful teaching materials simultaneously. Ultimately, they accumulate knowledge and learn how to share and cooperate with one another. The application of blog is student-oriented, not teacher-oriented, and the aim of the research is to enable learners how to learn on their own on the net. It supplies learners with various opportunities to enrich their knowledge. Generally speaking, Blog has a positive influence on most of the learners. They have a lot of fun learning on blog; in the meantime, the materials on blog benefit both instructors and learners.



Blog, 問題導向學習(PBL), 合作學習, Bloom認知階層, 註解語言, TrackBack, RSS, XML





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