

工作流程管理系統(WfMS, Workflow Management System)是一套自動協調溝通參與者(Participants)共同處理文件、資訊或工作的系統,以達到商業自動化或其他應用程序自動化等目標。基本上目前在各種曾被提出或實做過的的分散式工作流程管理系統,都必須有部分的工作經由某些集中式工作流程引擎來運作。本篇論文提出一個完全不需集中式工作流程引擎的分散式工作流程系統,命名為XDWfMS (XML-based Non-centralized Workflow Management System)。此系統具有以下的特色:(一) 採用XML技術作為文件交換與儲存的格式;(二)文件基礎(Document-based)的系統;(三) 文件具自我資料保護的能力; (四) 運用電子簽章來識別流程參與者的動作,包括動作執行的時間及結果; (五) 在系統架構上不存在任何集中處理的工作流程引擎,僅需透過XDWfMS文件傳遞來進行流程的運作。實際的系統實作及相關的數據證明了提出系統架構的可行性。
Workflow management systems (WfMSs) are software systems for supporting coordination and cooperation among members of an organization whilst they are performing complex business tasks. According to our survey, the previously proposed and implemented distributed WfMSs need the existence of some centralized workflow engines for their operations. In this thesis, we proposed a distributed WfMS which does not need any centralized workflow engine. It is called XDWfMS (XML-based Non-centralized Workflow Management System). It is with the following features: (1) It employs the XML technology for the document exchange and storage; (2) It is document-based system; (3) The generated workflow document is protected by itself without the need of a server; (4) The technology of the digital signature is applied to authenticate the action of all the particapants; (5) There is no any centralized workflow engine needed during the execution of a workflow. The implementation and the related experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system is practical.



工作流程, 工作流程管理系統, 參與者, 文件式為基礎, 資訊安全, Workflow, Workflow Management System, Participants, Document-based, Security

