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人類對於自然宇宙的觀點,存在兩種截然不同的典範,其一具有神聖義蘊而主張自然宇宙是一種整全生機體,人屬於這個整全一體的自然的一部分而不能分割,而且人與自然之間具有心靈感應;其一則認為自然宇宙是一個由個別物體組織形成的大機械,可以加以分解,而且是無心靈的物質,人以心物二元的關係對待自然,人只是以理性之客觀去認知自然宇宙的結構。 自笛卡爾的心物二元論盛行以來,現代性的機械論自然宇宙觀逐漸成為主流,我們正好生存於這樣割裂了人與自然的現代。 機械論的自然宇宙觀帶來了人征服大自然的環境倫理,引發了嚴重的環境破壞和生態危機。 本文寫作的目的在於喚醒人類本有的神聖心靈,以此而了悟全生機論的自然宇宙觀,從此引生人與自然敬重和諧之道的環境倫理。庶幾可以從心靈出發而對治日益嚴重的生態危機。 本文詮釋了文藝復興時代以降的機械論自然宇宙觀,且名之曰:「笛卡爾-牛頓典範」。再者,本文從「蓋婭」經印地安傳統到莊子,點明了整全生機論自然宇宙觀,此乃反對機械論的機體主義之新典範。 本文特別詮釋了「猶太-基督宗教」的聖經創世記,闡揚上述的整全生機論之環境倫理智慧。 最後,本文特別明示此環境智慧乃是悠久之人類傳統心靈,在地理學的宗師卡爾.李特爾之地理思想中亦充分具備。
Concerning Nature, mankind has two separately different paradigms, one of which regards Nature, under a sacred sense, as a holistic vital universe having mankind that partakes in and can have spiritual connections with the whole; the other then takes Nature to be an analyzable material machinery consisting of individuals; with the view of dualism, its structure is understood objectively by human reason all along. A modernistic, mechanical interpretation of Nature has become the main stream since the prevalence of Cartesian's dualism. We are in such a modern age in which humans are cut apart from Nature. Interpreting Nature as such, certain environmental ethics that claims mankind's conquering over Nature had developed. It is this view that triggered serious environmental disasters and ecological crisis. This article purports to awaken a given sacred mentality of mankind with which a vital holism concerning Nature can be comprehended and thus an ethics respecting Nature would be revealed. Moreover, via such a mentality, we may be able to diagnose the ecological crisis which is getting more serious by days. The mechanistic view of Nature I name as "Descartes-Newton paradigm" is discussed in this article. On the other hand, the vital holistic view of Nature, a new paradigm of vitalism against mechanism, is illustrated by the idea of Gaia, Indian tradition and the thoughts in Chuang-Tzu. Besides, the article also especially takes an interpretation of Jewish-Christian Genesis to exemplify the ethical wisdom of vital holism. Finally, I point emphatically out that such wisdom to the environment, which can be found sufficiently in the thoughts of a great geographer Carl Litter, is the human mentality which is sacred and has existed in long-term traditions.







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