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臺北市:國立臺灣師範大學衛生教育學系 衛生教育研究所
本研究主要目的為探討臺灣北部地區八縣市高中職及國中推動校園環境教育工作 執行與滿意程度,以及其相互關係,以提供未來工作之參考。研究對象為參加北部八縣市舉 行中等學校環境教育研討會及教學觀摩時,負責推動各校環境教育工作之教師,共271人填 答問卷。資料經整理分析,主要結果分述如下: 1.有58.4%的學校成立環保小組,以推動學校環境教育工作;而負責推動此項工作之負責 人,有65.3%為衛生組長,男性占56.4%;學校平均班級數為46.25班。 2.在工作執行方面,以「垃圾減量與資源回收」、「節約能源」、「維護環境衛生工作」 、「環境衛生設備提供與維修」、「校園美化、綠化」等項目的執行較積極。 3.在滿意程度方面,以「維護環境衛生工作」、「環境衛生設備提供與維修」兩項的滿意 程度較高。 4.臺北市教師組、有環保小組學校對推動學校環境教育之工作執行較積極,而女性的工作 執行表現較佳。 5.推動環境教育工作教師的教學總年資與節約能源、環境教育教學與活動兩項之間的相關 達到顯著水準,但相關值均偏低。 6.「垃圾減量與資源回收」、「維護環境衛生工作」、「環境衛生設備提供與維修」、「 環境教育教學與活動」、「校園美化、綠化」、「環保工作檢討」等六項的整體工作執行與 其滿意程度之間的相關達顯著水準,且相關值高,這表示工作執行愈積極,滿意程度愈高。
The purpose of this study was to explore the job's performance and satisfaction on schools' environmental education among the high schools' teachers in north Taiwan, and the relationships between this job's performance and satisfaction for the reference of schools' environmental education in future. The sample was the teachers who participated the symposium of schools' environmental education in north Taiwan. The data were collected via interview with the total number of valid questionnaire being 271. The main findings of this study were as follows: The 58.4% of schools have organized the environmental protection's group for promoting school's environmental education; the 65.3% & 56.4% of promoters for school's environmental education were schools' health directors and females, respectively. The average number of classes was 46.25. At the aspect of job performance, the items of good performance included " trash reduction & resources recycling", "energy conservation", "environmental health maintenance", "the provision & maintenance of environmental health facility". At the aspect of job satisfaction, the items of high satisfaction only included "environmental health maintenance", "the provision & maintenance of environmental health facility". The group of Taipei teachers, the environmental protection's group, the female promoters showed the good performance of schools' environmental education. The correlation of total period of teaching service toward energy conservation and the instructions & activities of environmental education were significant, but the correlation value was low. The correlation between job performance and job satisfaction about "trash reducation & resources recycling", "environmental health maintenance", "the provision & maintenance of environmental health facility", "the instructions & activities of environmental education", "campus beautification & greening", "the discussion of environmental protection performance" met highly positive level.
The purpose of this study was to explore the job's performance and satisfaction on schools' environmental education among the high schools' teachers in north Taiwan, and the relationships between this job's performance and satisfaction for the reference of schools' environmental education in future. The sample was the teachers who participated the symposium of schools' environmental education in north Taiwan. The data were collected via interview with the total number of valid questionnaire being 271. The main findings of this study were as follows: The 58.4% of schools have organized the environmental protection's group for promoting school's environmental education; the 65.3% & 56.4% of promoters for school's environmental education were schools' health directors and females, respectively. The average number of classes was 46.25. At the aspect of job performance, the items of good performance included " trash reduction & resources recycling", "energy conservation", "environmental health maintenance", "the provision & maintenance of environmental health facility". At the aspect of job satisfaction, the items of high satisfaction only included "environmental health maintenance", "the provision & maintenance of environmental health facility". The group of Taipei teachers, the environmental protection's group, the female promoters showed the good performance of schools' environmental education. The correlation of total period of teaching service toward energy conservation and the instructions & activities of environmental education were significant, but the correlation value was low. The correlation between job performance and job satisfaction about "trash reducation & resources recycling", "environmental health maintenance", "the provision & maintenance of environmental health facility", "the instructions & activities of environmental education", "campus beautification & greening", "the discussion of environmental protection performance" met highly positive level.