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兩岸閩客交界地帶族群分布所顯示的地理與語言意涵 本研究調查發現,在桃園中壢、新屋、楊梅及觀音,新竹竹北、新豐、湖口及新 埔等地,在歷史開發過程中均曾出現在原鄉即能使用閩客雙語的半鶴佬客,這群移民 在原鄉時即能操閩南、客家雙語,當地閩南人稱其為「半鶴佬客」。透過現今的 祖籍調查(細緻到鄉鎮級以下行政區)及閩南語口音比對,本研究已經充分驗 證桃竹地區目前仍存在成區域性的半鶴佬客分佈。探索半鶴佬客的意義,不僅僅 在語言地理上,而是有助於探索清代竹塹地區拓墾過程中的族群互動關係。臺灣的歷史 開發進程中的半鶴佬客,到臺灣其最後落腳之地,是有其空間規律性—位於漳、泉或閩、 客分布區域的過渡地帶,這是也是本研究想要驗證重點。本計畫的研究目的在於:1. 確認是否有為數不少的半鶴佬客族群居住於研究區?2.驗證研究區的閩、客族群分佈是 否具有空間規律性;3.觀察研究區內閩、客族群互動關係的變遷。第一年計畫擬以桃竹 地區為主要研究區;第二年計畫擬以彰化地區為主要研究區;第三年計畫擬以雲嘉地區 為主要研究區。為達成多元面向的交互印證,跨領域及跨海的合作均是必要的研究手段。
To uncover the geographical and linguistic significance of distributions of ethnic groups in border zones of Southern Min and Hakka in the two sides across the Taiwan Strait Using the methods of comparing the accents of dialects and inquiring into the ancestral homes of main clans in the traditional physical settlements in some Taoyuan and Hsinchu area, we have found: the inhabitants of so-called ‘Half-Hohlo-Hakka’. Now we have been able to verify soundly exist some ‘Half-Hohlo-Hakka’ regions in Taoyuan and Hsinchu areas. The purposes of investigating the ‘Half-holo-Hakka’ are not only in of linguistic geography, but in the local history in Taoyuan and Hsinchu areas. In the historical processes of Taiwan, final stamping ground of the ‘Half-holo-Hakka’ is always with spatial order: locating in the border zones of the Changjhou and the Quanjhou. The spatial order is the focal point of this study wants to prove. The purposes of this study include: 1. to confirm the spatial distributions of ‘Half-Hohlo-Hakka’; 2. to demonstrate whether the distributions of clan groups display spatial order or not in the study area; 3. to observe the changes of interaction between Southern Min and Hakka, in the study area. In the first year of project practiced, we choose the Taoyuan and Hsinchu areas as our study area. In the second year of project practiced, we choose the Changhua area as our study area. In the last year of project practiced, we choose the Yunlin and Chiayi areas as our study area. In order to achieve the objective of multi-proofs, cooperation of multi–fields and across the Strait are all necessary approaches.







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